Page 12 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 12
Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 1)
for some contrive cultic dogma. Nor, duration. Many will forget, a few might
does one ascend by simple-minded remember, but things fade. No monument,
adherence to unquestioned mythic statue or street name to your credit, or
doctrine, or political expediency. It otherwise, stops the history clock from
is by the free willed force of mindful ticking. Good or bad, whatever the pretended
independence, a strong body and legacy, the crowds thin out, the adherents
amative passions. Vigilance and valor, find another, and all are replaced in shear
embracing the energy of life, a leader moments of cosmic transitions. Serious is
the responsibility of leadership in the present
must self-evolve. In brief, one must with your profound ascended presence.
become exactly that, an individual, well Quiet, yet courageous, is the spirit of such
differentiated from the rest. a mindset. From its potency, the vision of
greater self-determination unfolds.
A leader is one who leads the pack,
breaks rules as needed, risks derision “It is the leader, not the manager, or the
from others, and blazes pathways. supervisor, who wisely balances command,
Sparingly in the use of words, their authority and interpersonal communications
actions whisper much louder the into a `seize the day`persona.”
determination to ascend higher peaks of
knowledge and understanding. At the On a less complex level, the baser pas-
end of the day, at the setting of the sun, sionate range of salacious stirrings urges
what is it that you need? Leaders realize a focused imaginative carnality to trans-
this juncture of insight, and exert the mute one’s present reality. From a broader
passion to know the nature of such spectrum, each moment, awake or in a
possibilities. To know, do and believe, dream state, invites the disciplined discov-
are constant reminders of the role for ery of individual transformation. A calling
which one has been called. And, even to leadership requires us to be capable of
though the culture devolves, the society managing our perfection from life-long
regresses and empires collapse, a leader learning processes. While engaging the
perseveres to lead. He or she embraces assigned tasks we have chosen, public and
an honorable acceptance of finality. All private, we can inspire others.
things must end eventually. When you
walk away and face the encroaching But, the others must freely choose their
shade of the shadows, you sense an devolution or evolution. We can do noth-
irrevocable conclusion. Not looking ing to change them, control their journey,
back, you can grasp the essence that alter their mindset, or control their desires,
collective memories are of brief needs or wants. If we complain, show