Page 14 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 14

Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 1)
        Perspective on these viewpoints may                  Additionally, the persistent endurance
        vary depending on the nature and scope  requires the careful balance of being

        of the organization and the people                   satisfied with what you have. Materially
        within that organization. Nonetheless,               speaking, what do you really need for

        the historical styles within an                      basic sustenance and survivability? Most
        organization have included the autocrat,  of the world around you has very little
        the democrat and the free rein.                      and yet they survive. Furthermore, you

                                                             need nothing from anyone else in terms
        Although there are several variations,               of building your inner being. You do not
        these three have tended to represent                 look to others for attention, drama or
        the classic models of “management”                   self-worth. As leaders, we are striving

        in most organizational frames of                     for a non-anxious well-differentiated
        reference. Along with that, attitudes,               presence, a balanced somewhat stoic

        experiences and personalities have a                 sense of imperfection that appreciates
        tendency to influence the “leadership”               the essentiality of adaptability, creativity
        style, or lack thereof, in one manner                and innovation. Leaders are visionary

        or another. As we grow as leaders, we                and appreciate the value of integrating
        want to ensure productive progress                   different aspects of traditional styles into

        from “infancy” to maturity. In our                   their own unique capabilities.
        growth process, we should wisely
        evaluate the style that fits our unique              It is the leader, not the manager, or

        personality and characteristics.                     the supervisor, who wisely balances
        Maturity in blending the trilogy                     command, authority and interpersonal

        to a distinguished individuality of                  communications into a “seize the day”
        conception requires hard work in                     persona. Along with that evolving
        personal transformation to higher levels  complexity of multidimensional thinking,

        of thinking, believing and resultant                 one must be physical fit as well. Mind,
        action. It is a matter of seizing the                body and energetic essence forge into a

        moment and living in the present                     unitary disciplined individual to the extent
        experience of the amazing awe of life.  possible. Given his or her attributes, traits
        Self-reliance is not selfishness; it is the  and characteristics, the leader continues to

        power of getting your own “house” in                 pursue his or her full range of capabilities
        order, before you can be an example to  as a never-ending process.

                                                             Physically fit, mentally astute and ethically

                                                             self-assured, leadership ascendency invites

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