Page 17 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 17
Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 1)
Instead, the self-evolved humility of someone else’s resources. One must be
the maturely humble leader, who needs wary of the pretentiousness of gullibility.
nothing of material gain, but achieves Manufactured acts of credulity serve
by meritorious individual liberation. the purposes of lazy thinking and
A leader does not become enslaved to irresponsibility. With and understanding
the whims of the “money changers”, or that vast numbers of people believe in
the hypocrites who have all the need to myths, magic and mysticisms of all kinds,
“show and tell”. The leader is a warrior, leaders persevere to greater ascendency
who has been in the “trenches” and regardless of the adversity. Leaders,
earned his or her “stripes”, and they serving as an example of a differentiated
have the scars to show for it. Their personality, supervise and manage the
hands are dirty, their faces are muddy, organization so that it actually works
and the inner being has been tested, efficiently and makes sense. The processes
because their sense of worth is in their and procedures by which things are done
vision. It is not breeding or bequest, are workable, sensible and effective from
but leading by pleading the wisdom inception to action. Progressions and
of experience and exposure, that one the measures that guide them must be
cannot appreciate unless they have designed so that time is not wasted but put
been there. Convictions rage in the to fruitful endeavors.
presence of cowardice and indecision,
for the sanctity of thinking at higher Work activities must make express
realms of imaginative incitements to common sense reality. Quantity is
transformation. balanced with quality, so that results
exemplify rationality and competence in
Differentiation for self-evolving completion. People need to know that what
transformation is challenging in an they are doing is the result of effective and
age of dumbing down, pretended efficient leadership, reinforced by wise
stupidity and contrived slothfulness. decision-making. Leadership is a hands-
In a post economic downturn phase, on activity and not an absentee process.
where inefficient giant entities are In addition, leaders are receptive to fact
“too big to fail”, it should come as driven suggestions, constructive criticism
no surprise large numbers of people and creative ideas from others. Openness
invent their “victimization”. Once they and receptivity allow for the possibility of
have capitalized on their self-pity and doing things a little different from in the
gullible nature of others, they can be past.
“bailed” out using