Page 13 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 13
Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 1)
anger, or impatiently grovel in individually and collectively. There is no
negativity, then we regress by or own perfect typology. Developing a particular
choosing. Only they must decide the style is an individual characteristic. As the
level to which they want to ascend. leader evolves, he or she studies others and
We have the wonderful opportunity to gains insight into the leadership qualities
be an example to others, and provide of effective role models. Nevertheless, it
a glimpse into this enlightened sphere is he or she, the individual, who develops
of self-transition beyond mortal a personal perspective on what that
materiality. A closer relationship means. No one else can do that for the
with the sincerity of rational belief in leader, because this is a personal quest. It
fundamental principles of reason, and is a journey of purposeful differentiation
the passion for a selfless transforming over a lifetime of experiences, trials and
personality, builds upon the viability errors, successes and failures, as well as
of our trek to higher levels. Leaders experience and education. This requires
offer the insightful guidance and focused effort by virtue of disciplined
instruction to encourage others to devotion.
rebuild themselves. We strive to avoid
the placement of barriers and stumbling From an historical perspective in brief,
blocks in the way of those around us. there have been three basic styles of
Competent leadership is a reflection leadership, or as some might allude
of growth and maturity by experience, erroneously, a conception of management.
practice and ceaseless learning. Again, there are three very different
perspectives within an organization as
In a devolving culture, where most suggested in here. There is management,
do not desire to change, the leader supervision and leadership. A leader has to
remains challenged by the negativity be effective within the scope of all three
to surround him or her. Regardless concepts. Many are good at management.
of the ineptness, incompetence and Some are even better at supervision.
treachery, a leader understands that his But, only a select few are exceptional at
or her ascendency means a profound leadership. Immediately, there will be an
transformation. The renovation of eruption of diversity of opinion on the
positive and productive thinking within previous assertion. That’s fine and there
his or her leadership continues to certainly ought to be if someone is doing
evolve. Among these few, there is the an exercise in critical thinking. No one is
need to grow a style of leadership that expected to agree with anything suggested
is conducive to the mission, both herein.