Page 16 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 16

Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 1)
        are pursuing. Balance, “battle                       all kinds of trickery, cons and schemes
        awareness” and cohesiveness of                       of every variety. The news, advertising,

        thought and action are necessary to                  marketing, you name it, the disguises are
        these endeavors. An effective manager  out there. What you see is not what is

        must be honest and straightforward                   really going on.
        with everyone and particularly himself
        or herself. He must be a speaker of the              Behind the scenes, a diversity of collusions

        truth inside and outside.                            transpires every moment. We are
                                                             dangerous in many ways. In a declining
        Good leaders are not afraid to confront  culture, and hence, the society that goes
        adversarial situations and are willing               with it, the “con job” is everywhere.

        to talk face to face with people about               From the boardroom, to the classroom, to
        controversial issues. Authenticity would  every aspect of telecommunications, the

        truly be a great thing if all us would               “hacks and hackers” are there, watching
        say what we mean and mean what we                    and waiting for options of personal
        say. The next time you hear someone                  advantage. We live, play and work in

        say, often quite pompously, “let’s be                deviant opportunity subcultures. Yet,
        transparent”, ask him or her what they  our hypocrisy knows no boundaries, as

        actually mean by that. Truthfulness in               our prejudices have no limitations. Now
        the realism of interpersonal encounters  is a time, as the human species faces its
        suggests we should be as brutally                    eventual extinction, whereby ascended

        honest as consensually possible. We                  extraordinary leadership is critical. This
        scam ourselves so easily. Every day is               is not the moment in history for the

        another opportunity for someone to try  patronage of the rich, influential and the
        and trick another into a vast range of               powerful to continue the present course
        things. Ever notice how quickly people  of global collapse. Nor is it the juncture

        call attention to themselves? Be still,              for personal advantage by way of lineage,
        watch for the moment, sense the timing,  inheritance or aristocracy. And, neither

        observe and wait for the interval, the               does it call for passing the control and
        next breath and assess the implications.  dominance on to the offspring of the
        Human deception, that of self and                    former rich and powerful. True climbs of

        others, is extensive throughout every                leadership are not by those who get their
        organization, institutions, and any other  socio-economic-political advantage by

        place your find people. We enjoy telling  family connections.
        stories, hearing them, and listening to

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