Page 11 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 11

Elite Investigative Journal
        Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 1), pg 11-18
        ©2014-2016  SYT Global, Inc.

        Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part1)
                                                                                              By Randy Gonzalez

                                                                                               Photo Courtesy of linkedin.comk
        The persistent, mature and enlightened  On the outside, they appear competent
        leader is the one who assumes                        in their specific domain, and yet, their

        command and understands what that                    credentials are subject of suspicious.
        means. By certain authority, some                    Leaders understand this spectrum in the
        have become mangers, and mange for                   paradox of human nature.

        better or for mediocre acceptance of the
        mundane. Boring is their legacy, and                 With that in mind, the lesser ones, the so-

        uncreative is their heritage. Others have            called “experts” in this or that, continue
        aspired to be reasonable supervisors.                aspiring to ensure a legend, a claim to all
        Yet, their journey has not seen the                  manner of accolades, from specialists to

        infinite vision of a leadership summit.              cultists. Each according to his or her own
        The pinnacle of the vista remains                    deception seeks to inspire the superficiality

        allusive to those who cannot self-evolve             of their conjecture. All is folly, such is
        and set free their differentiation.                  foolishness and much is vanity, as nothing
                                                             is new but that which is rediscovered
        Herded, huddled and homogenized by                   in a different time, form a divergent

        the hordes, the operational consistency  perspective. Fear is a good starting point in
        suffers the defeat of confused                       the revelation of the individual trek. From
        tactical necessities and vital strategic             there, the hard work is to rise up, challenge

        urgencies. By wishful thinking,                      oneself and build a better version of the
        clever subjective validation, and well-              original design from within. One does

        defended posturing, they have invented  not do this by the cowardly excuses of
        themselves into realms they are not                  external deterministic forces,
        equipped to visit.

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