Page 16 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 16

The Spectrum of Death: Perspective on News Coverage

        With an adjusted perspective we can                    can sponsor development of original
        adjust our actions, not to care or do less             equipment interlocks (i.e. not one that
        but to add to the concerns and actions we  waits until a drunken driver is convicted,

        take to forestall fatalities.                          or worse injures or kills someone) to pre-
                                                               vent drunken individuals from operating

        Thus, we may hold on to that solicitation  a car, and then issue recommendations
        from a charity doing heart research and                and rules stimulating their introduction.
        send back a check for several dollars.                 Such technology now lies increasingly

        We may ask an election candidate about  within reach, and, behind the scenes,
        their proposals for preventing suicides                work on this

        among our high school and college                      progresses.
        students, or improving first responder                 But no ground
        technology for heart attack victims. We                swell exists,

        may check off yes at the checkout of                   no urgency
        the grocery store on a request to give a               has arisen, no

        few dollars to child cancer prevention.                Congressional
        We may write an email to the local TV                  hearings have
        station asking for broader coverage of                 made headlines,

        drunk driving deaths. We may download  essentially no
        a report on government cancer research                 awareness ex-

        or search a medical condition on the                   ists.
                                                               Similarly, while

        Similarly, we may develop a more nu-                   you and I can
        anced assessment of government and                     not individu-

        corporations. If we just take a cursory                ally find cures
        approach, maybe we view the first of                   for major dis-                                                                      Photo Courtesy of
        these as inefficient and bureaucratic, and  eases, corporations and universities can

        the second of these as greedy and uncar-               effectively work towards that goal. Me-
        ing. But government and corporations,                  dia makes us aware when corporations

        with their size, resources, expertise and              produce a tainted product, or when uni-
        scope, can accomplish goals beyond our  versities become caught in a free speech
        reach as individual citizens.                          dilemma surrounding a controversial

                                                               speaker. But only minimal reporting
        Consider, for example, that government                 occurs, and no ground swell has arisen,

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