Page 17 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 17

The Spectrum of Death: Perspective on News Coverage

        over whether corporate               varied and complex causes  (and the overwhelming,
        and university research              of heart attacks, and the            but understandable, em-
        on disease cures has pro-            distinctions of the causes           phasis of corporate adver-

        gressed most efficiently or  for the 25 through 54                        tising on their products),
        effectively.                         group, mandate that varied  such a debate has not

                                             and sophisticated mea-               readily broken through
        Heart attacks stem from              sures are needed to reduce  to be a regular feature of
        multiple causes -- hered-            these deaths.                        media news reporting.

        ity, personal habits, daily                                               But through our collective
                                                  We do not, however,             individual awareness, we

                                                  have extensive or de-           hopefully could move the
                                                  tailed debate on stem-          debate up a few notches.
                                                  ming the toll of deaths  We can contribute, we can

                                                  from these medical              write, we can question,
                                                  conditions. Do we               we can when watching the

                                                  need more research?             news simply interject that
                                                  Would public efforts            like everyone we abhor
                                                  to change personal              and detest terrorists and

                                                  habits and diet prove           mass killers, but also have
                                                  effective? Should we            sympathy for those who

                                                  regulate suspect com-           die too young of heart
                                                  ponents of food, and            conditions, or from sui-
                                                  how critical a role             cide, or drunk driving.

                                                  does control of envi-           And that we have concern
                                                  ronment contaminants  whether enough is be-

                                                  play? Does our current  ing done to prevent such
                        Photo Courtesy of
                                                  medical system prop-            deaths.
        stress, diet, environmental  erly diagnose heart (and

        factors. Sixty thousand              cancer) conditions and               Consider a final scenario.
        individuals between the              effectively deliver preven- Imagine we received, each

        age of 25 and 54 die annu- tive and reactive cures?                       day, or maybe each week,
        ally from heart attacks and                                               a short personal news
        related circulatory condi-           Given the current media              briefing, five to ten min-

        tions, and over a half mil-          slant to the unique and              utes, on deaths of people
        lion across all ages. The            emotionally compelling               our age, or in our occupa-

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