Page 6 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 6

The Spectrum of Death: Perspective on News Coverage

        A million people in our              killings by terrorists, the
        country die annually of              murders from street vio-             And if we find ourselves              B
        cancer, heart disease,               lence, the deaths in com-            overloaded by this cover-             R

        stroke and diabetes, year            bat, the fatalities of a mass  age, we can turn away for                   O
        in and year out. Daily, by           shooting, the victims of             a respite. But if we lacked           W

        the hundreds, the unlucky  plane crashes.                                 coverage, we couldn’t fill            A
        or in too many cases im-                                                  the void.                             R
        prudent die in auto ac-              This does not seek to as-                                                  D

        cidents, the despairing at           sail or denigrate or criti-          So why raise this strong
        their own hands in suicide,  cize the important and                       concern about the differ-             U

        the elderly in falls, and the  critical reporting of the                  ing levels, dare say drasti-          N
        young of prenatal compli-            tragic and deadly incidents  cally differing levels, of                    I
        cations and birth defects.           the media does cover, nor  coverage of the diverse                         V

                                             does this argue for any              segments of the spectrum              E
        This larger, wider group of  less coverage of terrorist                   of deaths?                            R

        casualties does receive, at  attacks, or natural disas-                                                         S
        times, media coverage, as  ters, or casualties among                      Why? Because if we truly              I
        well as periodic and in-             our armed forces and first  desire to prevents deaths                      T

        depth special reports, and           responders. This coverage  and preserve life, we must                      Y
        we react to these casual-            pays respect and reverence  check. We must check

        ties with the same empa-             to the unfortunate and in            whether differing levels              2
        thy, concern and sorrow              too many cases innocent              of reporting on different             0
        as the more often reported  and unsuspecting victims.  causes of death and fatali-                              2

        types of tragedy. But                And the coverage stirs us            ties, whether those differ-           0
        clearly, media reporting             to action -- to strengthen           ing levels lead us to miss,

        of deaths from this latter           our defense against terror,  possibly unintentionally,
        group of causes, deaths              to donate, to volunteer, to          critical and important
        from cancer, or strokes, or  improve safety, to hold                      lifesaving efforts. Do we

        elderly falls, or suicides,          our government account-              neglect or overlook ac-
        that reporting runs lower            able, to demand better ac-           tions and programs that

        overall, and much lower              tions of our corporations,           could be taken to forestall
        on a per death basis, than           to improve our disaster              and reduce casualties?
        the reporting garnered               preparations, to change

        by the headline incidents            our habits, or to simply             The Attributes of News-
        mentioned earlier -- the             learn and understand.                worthy

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