Page 9 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 9

The Spectrum of Death: Perspective on News Coverage

        operatives.                          death reporting. We cer-             ring, typical causes, these
                                             tainly can find investiga-           deaths sum collectively to
        But by-and-large the me-             tive reports on low profile  an enormous toll. How-

        dia will bypass stories of           incidents and causes. The            ever, each death, taken
        less human interest and              media attention to the               individually, lacks, in the

        emotional content. Con-              flamboyant, or extraordi-            vast percentage of cases,
        sider the last time we               nary, or devastating, does           the visibility, drama or
                                             not rule as an absolute.             uniqueness to break into

                                             But certainly the tendency  the news cycle.
                                             runs strong.

                                                                                  Do the data on fatalities
                                             This strong tendency                 support this observa-
                                             aligns with our hypothesis  tion, that the lightly and

                                             here, that news provides             under-reported fatalities
                                             only a partial perspective           represent frequent and

                                             on the spectrum of death.            recurring actual causes of
                                             The news captures the                death? Let’s look at the
                                             extraordinary, the moving,  data to check.

                                             the enraging, the highly
                                             impactful, the directly              The Spectrum of Death

                                             related to immediate pre-
                                             paredness, but misses to             We will start with six
                                             a large extent the typical,          causes of fatalities receiv-

                   Photo Courtesy of  the recurring, the individ-      ing extensive and heavy
        might have come across a  ually insignificant.                            reporting across essential-

        news feature on whether                                                   ly all levels and types of
        alternate algorithms for             And from a pragmatic                 media, and look at fatality
        distributing medical re-             standpoint, many deaths              data for each. The six con-

        search grants would im-              fall into this later group,          sist of the following, and
        prove post-surgical life             and thus in turn fall below  will be referenced as “the

        expectancy for heart op-             the media’s radar. The               first group”:
        erations.                            deaths from strokes, and
                                             suicides, and cancer, and            Weather

        Let me not overstate the             falls, and a whole group             Mass Shootings
        slant in media focus in              of similar daily, recur-             Police Fatalities

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