Page 12 - DEC 2018 PDF
P. 12

Elite Investigative Journal
        Criminal Rehabilitation - Working Towards A Better Life for Inmates and their Families,  pg 12-13
        ©2014-2019 SYT Global, Inc.

                  Criminal Rehabilitation - Working
             Towards A Better Life for Inmates and                                                                      X

                                           their Families                                                               -
                                                                                    By Moses Wright                     C
        Criminal rehabilitation is           being released, preying on  ing that only 35 percent of

        gaining popularity among  women or children.                              inmates do not make their             N
        many who are forward                                                      way back to prison upon               T

        thinking. Such forms of              Criminal rehabilitation              their release. This leaves            U
        rehabilitation can help to           can help to solve the prob- us with a large percentage                     R
        reduce the number of re-             lem of overcrowding in               of released criminals who

        peat offenders who return            most prisons. The crimi-             do commit crimes and end              N
        to jail after being unable           nal population continues             up being repeat offenders.            E
        to adapt to life outside of          growing, as the death pen- This poses a major diffi-
        jail. This can also help to          alty has been abolished,             culty to society as well as           E
        solve some of the more se- and the state would need                       a strain. The government

        rious cases, such as sexual  to spend more on facilities  has to fork out huge sums                             N
        offenders who may con-               to house criminals.                  to keep tabs on these pos-            T
        tinue in their ways after            There are statistics show-           sible repeat offenders as             E
                                                                                  well as maintaining the               P
                                                                                  prison systems. Needless

                                                                                  to say, the possibility of            R
                                                                                  releasing prisoners who               E
                                                                                  might be repeat offenders             U
                                                                                  is a threat to social safety.

                                                                                  However, the scenario
                                                                                  does have a light at the

                                                                                  end of the tunnel. There
                                                                                  seems to be a good reason
                                                                                  why some former inmates

                                                                                  do not return to jail: it
                                                                                  appears that their time in

                                                            Photo Courtesy of  incarceration was spent

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