Page 13 - DEC 2018 PDF
P. 13

Criminal Rehabilitation - Working Towards A Better Life for Inmates and their Familie

        productively, changing               content knowledge base.              of them are struggling
        some vital aspect of their           This is essential as studies  with addiction problems.

 E      personality.                         show that many inmates               Counseling would help to
 X                                           do not have basic grade              balance inner dynamics
 -      Education is one of the              school education. This               that led to the addiction,

 C      ways in which this posi-             would severely impede                and possibly the criminal
 O      tive change was affected.            their success of acquir-             behavior that financed the

 N      Education works in two               ing jobs, thus many had              addiction.
        levels to successfully re-           to turn to a life of crime.
 T      habilitate the criminal. On  Basic criminal rehabilita-                   Criminal rehabilitation

 U      a macro level, society as a  tion programs ensure that                    has many positive benefits
 R      whole is being educated to  there is a standard level of  and can impact the lives of

 N      promote the importance of  literacy amongst the in-                       many inmates as well as
 E      keeping the laws as well             mates who sign up for the  their families. It can help
 D      as ensuring that there is            course.                              with wider social issues

        less discrimination against                                               as well, such as reducing
 E      former criminals. This en-           Rehabilitation also ensures  discrimination and stigma.

 N      sures that there propensity  that inmates are socially
 T      for ex-convicts to return            well adjusted. Psychologi- Moses Wright is the
 R      to a life of crime is less,          cal assessments are being            founder of

 E      as they are able to secure           meted to test for mental or  Rehabilitation Program.
 P      jobs after their release.            physical disabilities that           He provides more use-

 R      Education is also being              led to their incarceration           ful information on Drug
 E      offered within the prison            in the first place. Should           Addiction Rehabilita-
 N      to allow the prisoners to            the inmates be ready and             tion and Physical Reha-

 U      upgrade and stay relevant  willing to accept counsel-                     bilitation Therapy on
 E      to the changing society              ing and assessment, many  his website. Webmasters

 R      outside the prison walls.            of them are able to return           are welcome to reprint
                                             to society as relatively             this article if you keep
        In criminal rehabilitation,  well-balanced individuals.  the content and live link

        prisoners are given op-              For drug addicts, this is a          intact.
        portunity to increase their  pertinent issue, as many

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