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                                                Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

                                                                                                   Level III Phase II

                  D.  Research Projects of the BSIT Faculty

                              Faculty  members  of  the  BSIT  program  have  conducted  collaborative  research
               projects which aim to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the program, including several
               aspects of its implementation such curriculum, physical plant and facilities, faculty, students,
               among others. This has been made in order to improve the existing program, as well as to tailor
               it to fit to the changing demands of the learners and the society.

               Table 9. List of Completed and Ongoing Researches

                 Faculty                  Title                              Status       Year      Source of Fund
                 Superales, Jerry B.      Crop-Land Suitability Assessment  Ongoing       January        DA-BAR
                 Matos, Zenon A.          for  the  Development  of  Web                  2022-
                 Tanondong, Arnold        Applications  for  Smart  Crop                  January
                 Paler, Aron Louie        Production and Marketing                        2023
                 Tormes, Emelyn D
                 Chiong, Maria Lea S.
                 Ponio, Nelmie
                 Canencia, Niñobel
                 Superales, Niño
                 Lamban, Stella
                 Pantillo, Johnuay
                 Garnada, Vicpher D.      Smart  Poulty  Farming:  Towards  Completed  2021              Personal
                                          Validating     A      Sustainable
                                          Agricultural  Solution  Enabled  by
                 Garnada, Vicpher D.      DisinfecTENT:  An  Automated  Completed  2020                    LGU-
                 Canencia, Niñobel G.     Disinfection   and     Sanitation                             Dumingag
                 Chatto, Vincent John L.  System
                 Chatto, Meliza J.
                 Garnada, Vicpher D.      Employability of BS in Information  Completed  2019            Personal
                 Chatto, Meliza J.        Technology  Graduates:  A  Tracer

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