Page 83 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 83
Then at last they will abandon their gold and
silver idols to the moles and bats.
(Isaiah 2:20 LB)
Swiss Banking Scandal
I have been warning for three years that a banking
disaster will befall Switzerland. It is coming as surely as
night follows day. The unnumbered Swiss bank account,
the very epitome of security, will one day be totally in-
secure. There is coming a movement of vast sums of
currencies. Scandals will be uncovered. The very foun-
dations of the Swiss banking system will be shaken. The
Swiss franc will suffer much as a result. Those who fat-
tened their Swiss bank accounts, hoping to live beyond
the reach of danger, are going to get hurt, badly. God's
word predicts it.
Woe to you for getting rich by evil means, at-
tempting to live beyond the reach of danger.
(Habakkuk 2:9 LB)
The Unprepared Society
1. Good Times Ahead?
America is about to be chastised by divine judgment,
and its people are totally unprepared. Most won't be-
lieve "doom" preaching in such good times.
This book was finished in April of 1976, a bicen-
tennial year. While I preach judgment, the false proph-
ets of our government and economy preach "good times
ahead." I quote from U.S. News and World Report,
silver idols to the moles and bats.
(Isaiah 2:20 LB)
Swiss Banking Scandal
I have been warning for three years that a banking
disaster will befall Switzerland. It is coming as surely as
night follows day. The unnumbered Swiss bank account,
the very epitome of security, will one day be totally in-
secure. There is coming a movement of vast sums of
currencies. Scandals will be uncovered. The very foun-
dations of the Swiss banking system will be shaken. The
Swiss franc will suffer much as a result. Those who fat-
tened their Swiss bank accounts, hoping to live beyond
the reach of danger, are going to get hurt, badly. God's
word predicts it.
Woe to you for getting rich by evil means, at-
tempting to live beyond the reach of danger.
(Habakkuk 2:9 LB)
The Unprepared Society
1. Good Times Ahead?
America is about to be chastised by divine judgment,
and its people are totally unprepared. Most won't be-
lieve "doom" preaching in such good times.
This book was finished in April of 1976, a bicen-
tennial year. While I preach judgment, the false proph-
ets of our government and economy preach "good times
ahead." I quote from U.S. News and World Report,