Page 85 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 85
they have no message at all for my people, says the
(Jeremiah 23:30-32 LB)

2. Remember Lot
I see most American Christians as being just like Lot.
They live on the brink of disaster, totally unaware of its
Lot was a righteous man, according to the Bible. And
yet God did not warn him that his city of Sodom would
be wiped out. Jonah was warned about the destruction
of Nineveh. Noah was warned about the drowning of
his society. And Abraham was warned of the fire that
would fall and consume Sodom. Lot was not warned,
even though, like all the others, he was a righteous man.
Why didn't this good man know beforehand that his
society was in its midnight hour? Why didn't he go
about the streets preaching a warning like Jonah did in
Nineveh? Why didn't Lot leave Sodom like the children
of Israel left Egypt, with cattle, children, relatives and
family all saved and delivered? Why did he escape by
the skin of his teeth? Why was he so totally unpre-
pared? This rich man barely escaped hours before the
disaster and ended up penniless, hungry, hiding in a cave.
Think of it! Abraham has already been warned and
is interceding with God for mercy on the city. Two an-
gels approach the gate with a mandate from heaven to
destroy the city within twenty-four hours, if necessary.
And in this momentous time, what is God's man Lot
doing? Lot is sitting at the gate, nonchalantly slapping
friends on the back, climbing the social ladder, busily
making more friends and more money. He eats, drinks,
buys, sells, laughs, and plans with not one iota of dis-
cernment about coming judgment.
I see him sitting there at ease, prosperous and look-
ing toward the future with confidence. And I want to go
up to him, lift him by the back of the neck, shake him,
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