Page 10 - Catalogue Test
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                                                           FIJI                                               1273       1992, Nov. 2    Perf. 15x14 /2       Wmk. 373                   Wmk. 384                   Wmk. 373                               1       674 A153 77c Globe  1.50 1.50  1993, July 27  Litho.  Perf. 14  1994, June 6  Litho.  Perf. 14  1995, Mar. 27  Litho.  Perf. 14       675 A153 $2 Family  3.75 3.75  692 A157 12c Chromodoris fi-  707 A161 42c multicolored  1.25  .95  719 A165 81c Sheet of 4, #a.-d.  9.00 9.00                                            delis     .50  .50  708 A161 83c multicolored  2.25  1.90                                   693 A157 42c Halgerda carl-  709 A161 $1 multicolored  2.75  2.40  End of World War II, 50th Anniv.                                            soni     1.25  1.25  710 A161 $2 multicolored  5.75  4.75                                   694 A157 53c Chromodoris       Nos. 707-710 (4)  12.00 10.00  Common Design Types                                            lochi    1.75  1.75                           Designs:  13c,  Fijian  regiment  guarding                                   695 A157 83c Glaucus atlan-       Souvenir Sheet      crashed  Japanese  Zero  Fighter.  63c,  Kameli                                            ticus    2.75  2.75                          Airstrip, Solomon Islands, built by Fijian regi-                                   696 A157 $1 Phyllidia                                 ment.  87c,  Corp.  Sukanaivalu  VC,  Victoria                                            bourguini  3.25  3.25                        Cross. $1.12, HMS Fiji.                                   697 A157 $2 Hexabranchus                               $2, Reverse side of War Medal 1939-45.                                            sanguineus  6.50  6.50                                       Nos. 692-697 (6)  16.00 16.00                              Wmk. 373              Christmas — A154                                                           1995, May 8  Litho.  Perf. 13 /2                                                                                                                 1                                                                                         720 CD351  13c multicolored  .60  .60         Bible interpretations: 12c, “God so loved the                                   721 CD351  63c multicolored  3.25  3.25       world...” 77c, “We love because God first loved                                   722 CD351  87c multicolored  4.50  4.50                                                                                                               6.00                                                                                                            6.00                                                                                         723 CD351 $1.12 multicolored       us.”  83c,  “It  is  more  blessed  to  give...”  $2,                                 Nos. 720-723 (4)  14.35 14.35       “Every good gift...”                                                                                                Souvenir Sheet       1992, Nov. 17                                                                              Perf.  14       676 A154 12c multicolored  .35  .35       677 A154 77c multicolored  1.90  1.90                                             724 CD352  $2 multicolored  7.00  7.00       678 A154 83c multicolored  2.25  2.25       679 A154 $2 multicolored  5.50  5.50                    White-Collared Kingfisher — A162            Nos. 676-679 (4)  10.00 10.00                                                               Designs: a, On branch. b, In flight.                                         Tropical                                      Fruit — A158                     Wmk. 373                                                              1994, Aug.  Litho.  Perf. 13 /2                                                                                     1                                            Wmk. 373          711 A162 $1.50 Sheet of 2,                          Peace                           1             #a.-b.  12.50 12.50      Birds — A166                          Corps in  1993, Oct. 25  Litho.  Perf. 13 /2  c.  Overprinted in sheet margin  13.50  13.50                          Fiji, 25th  698 A158 30c Mango  1.25  1.25  Overprint on No. 711c consists of exhibition  1995  Litho.  Wmk. 373  Perf. 13                                                         2.25                                   699 A158 42c Guava                                                     2.25                          Anniv.   700 A158 $1 Lemon  4.50  4.50  emblem and “JAKARTA ’95.”  725  A166  1c Red-headed                          A155     701 A158 $2 Soursop  9.00  9.00  Issued: #711, 8/16; #711c, 8/19.  parrotfinch  .25  .25                                       Nos. 698-701 (4)  17.00 17.00                     726  A166  2c Golden whis-         Designs:  59c,  Voluntary  service.  77c,                   Souvenir Sheet                tler     .25  .25       Fiji/US friendship. $1, Education. $2, Income  Souvenir Sheet                     727  A166  3c Ogea flycatch-       generating business through volunteer help.                                                 er       .25  .25                                                                                         728  A166  4c Peale’s pigeon  .25  .25                Wmk. 373                                                                 729  A166  6c Blue-crested                                                                                                   broadbill       1993, Feb. 22  Litho.  Perf. 14 /2                                                730  A166 13c Island thrush  .25  .25                               1                                                                                                            .25                                                                                                                .25       680 A155 59c multicolored  1.25 1.25                                              731  A166 23c Many-colored       681 A155 77c multicolored  1.60 1.60                                                        fruit dove  .40  .40       682 A155 $1 multicolored  2.00 2.00                                               732  A166 31c Mangrove her-       683 A155 $2 multicolored  4.25 4.25                                                         on       .55  .55            Nos. 680-683 (4)  9.10 9.10                                                  733  A166 44c Purple                                                                                                   swamphen  1.00  1.00                                                                                         734  A166 63c Fiji goshawk  1.25  1.25                                                                                         735  A166 81c Kadavu fantail  1.60  1.60                                                                                         736  A166 87c Collared lory  1.75  1.75                                                                    Singpex ’94 — A163   737  A166 $1 Scarlet robin  2.00  2.00                                        Hong Kong ’94 — A159                             738  A166 $2 Peregrine fal-  4.00  4.00                                                                                                   con                                                               Neoveitchia  storckii:  a,  Complete  tree.  b.  739  A166 $3 Barn owl  5.75  5.75                                    Butterflies: a, Caper white. b, Blue branded  Fruits, inflorescence.  739A A166 $5 Yellow-breast-                                   king crow. c, Vagrant. d, Glasswing.                            ed musk par-                                                              1994, Aug. 31  Wmk. 384  Perf. 14    rot     10.50 10.50                                           Perf. 14 /2x13     712 A163 $1.50 Sheet of 2,    Nos. 725-739A (16)  30.30 30.30                                                1                                   1994, Feb. 18  Litho.  Wmk. 373      #a.-b.  11.00 11.00  Issued: 13c, 23c, 31c, 44c, 63c, 81c, $2, $3,          Hong Kong Rugby          702 A159 $1 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 11.00 11.00            7/25; 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 6c, 87c, $1, $5, 11/7.           Sevens — A156                                                                  See No. 1011.                                                                                          For surcharges, see Nos. 1149-1160, 1191-         Designs: 77c, Players performing traditional                                    1197C, 1214-1223A, 1249-1254E.       Cibi  Dance.  $1.06,  Two  players,  map  of  Fiji,       Hong Kong, and Australia. $2, Stadium, play-                                             Souvenir Sheet       ers in scrum.                Perf. 14x15       1993, Mar. 26  Litho.  Wmk. 384       684 A156  77c multicolored  1.75 1.75           Easter             First Catholic       685 A156 $1.06 multicolored  2.50 2.50          A160               Missionaries in Fiji,       686 A156  $2 multicolored  4.50 4.50            Nos. 684-686 (3)  8.75 8.75                                   150th                                    59c, The Last Supper. 77c, The Crucifixion.  Anniv. — A164          Royal Air Force, 75th Anniv.  $1, The Resurrection. $2, Jesus showing his                                   wounds to his disciples.             Common Design Type                                        Wmk. 373         Designs:  59c,  Gloster  Gauntlet.  77c,  Arm-  Perf. 14x15, 15x14  1994, Dec. 16  Litho.  Perf. 14       strong Whitworth Whitley. 83c, Bristol F2b. $2,  1994, Mar. 31  Litho.  Wmk. 373  713 A164 23c Father Ioane       Hawker Tempest.             703 A160 59c multi  1.25  1.25      Batita    .60  .60         No. 691: a, Vickers Vildebeest. b, Handley  704 A160 77c multi, vert.  1.75  1.75  714 A164 31c Local catechist  .70  .70       Page  Hampden.  c,  Vickers  Vimy.  d,  British  705 A160 $1 multi  2.00  2.00  715 A164 44c Sacred Heart                                                                                 .95                                                                       Cathedral                                                                                     .95       Aerospace Hawk.             706 A160 $2 multi, vert.  4.25  4.25  716 A164 63c Lomary Church  1.25  1.25  Singapore ’95 — A167       1993, Apr. 1        Perf. 14    Nos. 703-706 (4)  9.25  9.25  717 A164 81c Pope Gregory  Orchids: a, Arundina graminifolia. b, Phaius                                                                       XVI       687 CD350 59c multicolored  1.25  1.25                 718 A164 $2 Pope John Paul  1.75  1.75  tankervilliae.       688 CD350 77c multicolored  1.60  1.60                          II       4.00  4.00       689 CD350 83c multicolored  1.60  1.60                     Nos. 713-718 (6)  9.25  9.25    Wmk. 373       690 CD350 $2 multicolored  4.50  4.50                                             1995, Sept. 1  Litho.  Perf. 14            Nos. 687-690 (4)  8.95  8.95             Souvenir Sheet of 4                                     Souvenir Sheet      740 A167 $1 Sheet of 2, #a.-b.  9.00 9.00       691 CD350 $1 #a.-d.  10.00 10.00         e.  Overprinted in sheet margin  11.00  11.00         Overprint on No. 691e is exhibition emblem       for Hong Kong ’94.                                   Edible Seaweeds                                           A161                                    42c,  Codium  bulbopilum.  83c,  Coulerpa                                   racemosa.  $1,  Hypnea  pannosa.  $2,                                   Gracilaria.                                                                  Ecotourism in Fiji — A165  Independence, 25th Anniv. — A168                                                               Designs:  a,  Waterfalls,  banded  iguana.  b,  Designs: 81c, Pres. Kamisese Mara, Parlia-                       Nudibranchs                            Mountain trekking, Fiji tree frog. c, Bilibili River  ment Building. 87c, Fijian youth. $1.06, Play-                       A157                                   trip, kingfisher. d, Historic sites, flying fox.  ing rugby. $2, Air Pacific Boeing 747.
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