Page 12 - Catalogue Test
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                                                           FIJI                                               1275                                                                                                         3                                                                                                 Perf. 14x13 /4                                                                                         1999, July 20     Wmk. 384                                                                                         853 CD357 13c multicolored  .25  .25                                                                                         854 CD357 87c multicolored  1.40 1.40                                                                                         855 CD357 $1 multicolored  1.75 1.75                                                                                         856 CD357 $2 multicolored  3.25 3.25                                                                                              Nos. 853-856 (4)  6.65 6.65                                                                                                Souvenir Sheet                                                       Sperm                                                       Whale      Traditional Dances — A192       Perf.  14                                                       A188                              857 CD357 $2 multicolored  3.75 3.75                                                               Designs: 13c, Vakamalolo (women’s sitting  No. 857 contains one circular stamp 40mm                                            Wmk. 373          dance).  81c,  Mekeiwau  (club  dance).  87c,  in diameter.            A185        A186       1998, June 22  Litho.  Perf. 14  Seasea  (women’s  fan  dance).  $3,  Meke  ni                                   821 A188 63c shown  1.40  1.40  yaqona (Kava serving dance).  Queen Mother’s Century         1997 Rugby World Cup Sevens Champions:  822 A188 81c Adult, calf  1.90  1.90       a, 50c, Waisale Serevi, captain, highest point  823 A188 87c Breaching  1.90  1.90  Wmk. 373  Common Design Type       scorer. b, 50c, Taniela Qauqau. c, 50c, Jope  824 A188 $2 Sperm whale  1999, Jan. 20  Litho.  Perf. 14 /2  Queen  Mother:  13c,  Visiting  Hull  to  see                                                                                     1       Tuikabe. d, 50c, Leveni Duvuduvukula. e, 50c,  tooth  4.50  4.50  839 A192 13c multicolored  .25  .25  bomb damage. 63c, With Prince Charles. 81c,       Inoke Maraiwai. f, 50c, Aminiasi Naituyaga. g,  a.  Souvenir sheet  7.50  7.50  840 A192 81c multicolored  1.60 1.60  As Colonel-in-Chief of Light Infantry. $3, With       50c,  Lemeki  Koroi.  h,  50c,  Marika  Vunibaka,  Nos. 821-824 (4)  9.70  9.70  841 A192 87c multicolored  1.90 1.90  Prince Charles at Clarence House.       highest  try  scorer.  i,  50c,  Luke  Erenavula.  j,  842 A192 $3 multicolored  5.75 5.75  $2, With crowd on Armistice Day.       50c, Manasa Bari. k, $1, Entire team.                       Nos. 839-842 (4)  9.50 9.50    Wmk. 384                Wmk. 373                                                                 1999, Aug. 18  Litho.  Perf. 13 /2                                                                                                                 1       1997, Oct. 30  Litho.  Perf. 14                         Maritime Heritage Type of 1998   858 CD358 13c multicolored  .50  .50       805 A185 Sheet of 11, #a.-k.  17.00 17.00               Designs:  63c,  SS  Toufua,  1920-30’s.  81c,  859 CD358 63c multicolored  1.25 1.25             No. 805k is 53x39mm.                             MF Adi Beti, 1920-30’s. $1, SS Niagara, 1920-  860 CD358 81c multicolored  1.75 1.75                                                              30’s. $2, MV Royal Viking Sun, 1990’s.                                                                                         861 CD358 $3 multicolored                                                                                                            5.50 5.50                                                               $1.50, SS. Makatea, 1920’s.    Nos. 858-861 (4)  9.00 9.00                Wmk. 373           16th Commonwealth                                            Souvenir Sheet                                                                                     1       1998, Jan. 20  Litho.  Perf. 14  Games, Kuala          1999, Mar. 19  Wmk. 384  Perf. 13 /2  862 CD358 $2 multicolored  6.00 6.00                                                                                     .90                                                              843 A190                                                                     63c multicolored                                                                                  .90         Chief’s  Traditional  Costumes:  81c,  War  Lumpur,  844 A190  81c multicolored  1.50 1.50       dress. 87c, Formal dress. $1.12, Presentation  Malaysia — A189  845 A190  $1 multicolored  1.75 1.75       dress. $2, Highland war dress.                         846 A190  $2 multicolored  3.50 3.50       806 A186  81c multicolored  1.25 1.25  Wmk. 384             Nos. 843-846 (4)  7.65 7.65       807 A186  87c multicolored  1.25 1.25  1998, Sept. 11  Litho.  Perf. 14  Souvenir Sheet       808 A186 $1.12 multicolored  1.75 1.75  825 A189  44c Athletics  .70  .70  847 A190 $1.50 multicolored  4.50 4.50       809 A186  $2 multicolored  3.00 3.00  826 A189  63c Lawn bowls  1.00 1.00            Nos. 806-809 (4)  7.25 7.25  827 A189  81c Javelin  1.40 1.40  Australia ’99, World Stamp Exhibition (#847).   UPU,                                   828 A189 $1.12 Weight lifting  1.90 1.90               125th                                       Nos. 825-828 (4)  5.00 5.00                       Anniv.                                          Souvenir Sheet             Souvenir Sheet       A195        Asian and          Pacific                  829 A189  $2 Waisale Serevi,  5.00 5.00                Sugar  Mills  rolling  stock:  50c,  Diesel  loco-                                             rugby sevens        Decade of                                                                        motive.  87c,  Steam  locomotive.  $1,  Diesel         Disabled                                                                        locomotive, diff. $2, Free passenger train.         Persons,       1993-2000                                                                                  Wmk. 373           A187                                                                          1999, Oct. 26  Litho.  Perf. 13 /4                                                                                                                 3                                                                                         863 A195 50c multicolored  .60  .60         63c,  Mastering  modern  technology.  87c,                                      864 A195 87c multicolored  1.25 1.25       Assisting the will to overcome. $1, Using natu-  Maritime                         865 A195 $1 multicolored  1.40 1.40                                                                                                            2.75 2.75                                                                                         866 A195 $2 multicolored       ral born skills. $2, Competing to win.        Heritage                                 Nos. 863-866 (4)  6.00 6.00                Wmk. 373                             A190       1998, Mar. 18  Litho.  Perf. 13                                    Designs:  13c,  Takia,  hollowed-out  log  with       810 A187 63c multicolored  1.00 1.00  outrigger. 44c, Camakau, sailing canoe. 87c,       811 A187 87c multicolored  1.40 1.40  Drua,  twin-hulled  sailing  canoe.  $3,  MV  Pio-       812 A187 $1 multicolored  1.50 1.50  neer motor yacht.       813 A187 $2 multicolored  3.00 3.00  $1.50, Camakau, map of Fiji.  Ducks — A193            Nos. 810-813 (4)  6.90 6.90                                            Wmk. 384           a, Wandering whistling. b, Pacific black.          Royal Air Force, 80th Anniv.  1998, Oct. 26  Litho.  1         Common Design Type of 1993 Re-  830 A190  13c multicolored  Perf. 13 /2  1999, Apr. 27  Wmk. 373                                                       .30                                                          .30                 Inscribed         831 A190  44c multicolored  .85  .85  848 A193 $2 Sheet of 2, #a.-b.  7.00 7.00  Christmas — A196         Designs:  44c,  R34  Airship.  63c,  Handley  832 A190  87c multicolored  1.60 1.60  IBRA  ’99,  Intl.  Philatelic  Exhibition,       Page  Heyford.  87c,  Supermarine  Swift  FR.5.  833 A190  $3 multicolored  5.25 5.25  Nuremberg.  Designs: 13c, Giving gifts. 31c, Angels and       $2, Westland Whirlwind.         Nos. 830-833 (4)  8.00 8.00                       star.  63c,  Bible,  Magi,  Holy  family.  87c,         No. 818: a, Sopwith Dolphin. b, Avro 504K.  Souvenir Sheet                      Joseph, mary, donkey, vert. $1, Mary, Jesus,       c, Vickers Warwick V. d, Shorts Belfast.  834 A190 $1.50 multicolored  4.75 4.75  animals, vert. $2, Children, Santa, vert.                                                                                                      1       1998, Apr. 1    Perf. 13 /2x14  Australia ’99, World Stamp Expo (#834).                   Perf. 13 /4x13                             1       814 CD350 44c multicolored  1.00 1.00  See Nos. 843-847.                          1999, Nov. 29  Litho.  Wmk. 373       815 CD350 63c multicolored  1.25 1.25                                             867 A196 13c multicolored  .25  .25       816 CD350 87c multicolored  1.75 1.75                                             868 A196 31c multicolored  .45  .45       817 CD350 $2 multicolored  4.00 4.00                                              869 A196 63c multicolored  .90  .90            Nos. 814-817 (4)  8.00 8.00                                                  870 A196 87c multicolored  1.25 1.25             Souvenir Sheet of 4                                                         871 A196 $1 multicolored  1.40 1.40       818 CD350 $1 #a.-d.  7.50 7.50                                                    872 A196 $2 multicolored  2.75 2.75                                                                                              Nos. 867-872 (6)                                                                                                            7.00 7.00        Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-97)             Common Design Type    Christmas         Design: No. 819, Wearing plaid jacket.  A191         No. 820: a, Wearing blue jacket. b, In high-                      Orchids — A194       collared blouse. c, Holding flowers.  Children’s drawings: 13c, “Jesus in a Man-                                   ger.” 50c, “A Time for Family and Friends.” $1,       1998, Mar. 31  Litho.  Perf. 14x14 /2  “What Christmas Means to Me,” vert. $2, “The  Designs:  44c,  Calanthe  ventilabrum.  63c,                               1       819 CD355 81c multicolored  .75  .75  Joy of Christmas,” vert.  Dendrobium  prasinum.  81c,  Dendrobium  Millennium       820 CD355 81c Sheet of 4, #819,                        macrophyllum. $3, Dendrobium tokai.       A197                 a.-c.     5.25 5.25  1998, Nov. 23  Wmk. 373         No.  820  sold  for  $3.24  +  50c,  with  surtax  835 A191 13c multicolored  .30  .30  1999, June 28  Designs:  No.  873,  Outstretched  hands,       from international sales being donated to the  836 A191 50c multicolored  .95  .95  849 A194 44c multicolored  .75  .75  islands (arch at top). No. 874, Map, flag (arch       Princess  Diana  Memorial  Fund  and  surtax  837 A191 $1 multicolored  1.90 1.90  850 A194 63c multicolored  1.00 1.00  at right). No. 875, Globe, warrior beating lali,       from  national  sales  being  donated  to  desig-  838 A191 $2 multicolored  4.00 4.00  851 A194 81c multicolored  1.25 1.25  temple (arch at bottom). No. 876, Globe, drua,       nated local charity.            Nos. 835-838 (4)  7.15 7.15  852 A194 $3 multicolored  5.00 5.00  red line (arch at left).                                                                   Nos. 849-852 (4)  8.00 8.00  No.  877:  a,  Fiji  petrel  (arch  at  top).  b,                                                                                         Crested iguana, islands (arch at top). c, Red                                                               1st Manned Moon Landing, 30th  prawns (arch at bottom). d, Tagimaucia (arch                                                                                         at bottom).                                                                        Anniv.                                                                   Common Design Type                                                               13c, Astronaut waves goodbye. 87c, Stage                                                              3 fires towards moon. $1, Aldrin walks on lunar                                                              surface.  $2,  Command  module  fires  towards                                                              earth.                                                               $2, Looking at earth from moon.
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