Page 19 - Catalogue Test
P. 19

       1282                                                FIJI         Designs: 50c, Many-colored fruit dove. 65c,  $300. Value of single error in pair with normal  Value,  $250.  No.  1223A  exists  with  inverted       Crimson-crowned  fruit  dove.  90c,  Whistling  stamp, $350.  surcharge. Value, $90.       dove. $3, Orange dove.       No.  1218A  exists  with  inverted  surcharge.  On Nos. 1215, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1222 and                                   Value,  $100.  No.  1218A  also  exists  with  1223, the “c” and obliterator are 4mm apart.       2009, Feb. 17  Litho.  Perf. 14x14 /2  double surcharge, one inverted. Value, $130.  Issued:  Nos.  1214,  1215,  1215b,  Mar.  10;                               1       1210-1213 A285  Set of 4  5.50 5.50  No.  1218A  also  exists  with  “xx”  obliterator.  Nos.  1215A,  1217A,  1218A,  8/5/10;  No.                                   Value, $200.               1216A, Mar. 30; Nos. 1216, 1216B, Mar.; Nos.        Nos. 729-731 Surcharged Like Nos.                     1217, 1217b, Mar. 30; No. 1218, Aug. 27; No.                                                              1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, Mar. 10; No. 1222A,                1149-1160                                     8/3/10; No. 1223, July 8; No. 1223A, 8/6/10.                                                                                                Snakes — A290                                                                                          Designs: 20c, Yellow-bellied sea snake. 90c,                                                                                         Fiji burrowing snake. $1.10, Banded sea krait.                                                                                         $2, Pacific boa.                                                                                         2010, Mar. 30  Litho.  Perf. 14 /2x14                                                                                                              1                                    No. 1219         No. 1220                            1237-1240 A290  Set of 4  4.50 4.50        No. 1214         No. 1215                                                                  Weddings in Fiji — A286                                                               Designs: 20c, Chinese wedding. 40c, Mus-                                                              lim wedding. $1.50, Indian wedding. $3, Fijian                                                              wedding, vert.                                           No. 1220B                No. 1215A                                          Perf. 14 /2x14, 14x14 /2     Peonies — A291                                                                        1                                                                                1                                   1219  A166 4c on 6c #729  70.00  70.00  2009, Aug. 17  Litho.  Unwmk.        Methods, Perfs and Watermarks As  a.  2 1 /2mm between “c” and  175.00  175.00  1224-1227 A286  Set of 4  5.25 5.25  No. 1241: a, 20c, Pink peony. b, 40c, Red                                         obliterator                 Before            1220  A166 4c on 13c #730  40.00  40.00               peony.       2009-10                       a.  2 1 /2mm gap between “c”                        2010, Apr. 8  Litho.  Perf. 13 /4                                                                                                                 1       1214  A166 1c on 13c #730  40.00 40.00  and obliterator  120.00  120.00           1241 A291  Horiz. pair, #a-b  13.00 13.00          a.  2 1 /2mm gap between “c”  1220B A166 5c on 13c #730 130.00 130.00              and obliterator  120.00 120.00  No.  1219  exists  with  inverted  surcharge.       1215  A166 1c on 23c #731  1.25  1.25  Value, $200.          b.  3mm gap between “c” and              obliterator  30.00  30.00       1215A A166 1c on 23c #731,                 small font  1.00  1.00         No.  1215  exists  with  inverted  surcharge.       Value,  $90.  No.  1215A  exists  with  inverted       surcharge. Value, $90. No. 1215A also exists       with “xx” obliterator. Value, $200.                          Passion                                                                 Fruit — A287                                                               Designs:  20c,  Passiflora  foetida.  65c,  Pas-                                    No. 1221         No. 1222  siflora edulis (yellow green). $1.20, Passiflora                                                              maliformis. $2, Passiflora edulis (purple).                                                              2009, Sept. 29  Perf. 14x14 /4                                                                                     1                                                              1228-1231 A287  Set of 4  4.25 4.25                                                                     Souvenir Sheet        No. 1216         No. 1216A                                            No. 1222A                                   1221  A166 4c on 23c #731  90.00 90.00                                   1222  A166 4c on 23c #731  1.50  1.50                                     b.  2 1 /2mm between “c” and                                         obliterator (positions 3                                         and 89)     40.00  40.00                                   1222A A166 4c on 23c #731,                 No. 1216B                   small font  1.00  1.00                           Raiateana                                    No.  1222  exists  with  inverted  surcharge.       1216  A166 2c on 6c #729  100.00 100.00  Value,  $90.  No.  1222  exists  with  double  Knowlesi — A292       1216A A166 2c on 13c #730  40.00  40.00          c.  2 1 /2mm gap between “c”  surcharge,  one  inverted.  Value,  $130.  No.    No. 1242: a, 20c, Newly-emerged insect. b,              and obliterator  120.00  120.00  1222  exists  with  double  surcharge,  one  with  $1.50, Mature insect.       1216B A166 2c on 23c #731 175.00 175.00  normal 4mm between “c” and obliterator and                                   the other with 2 1 /2mm between “c” and oblitera-             Perf. 14x14 /2                                                                                                         1                                   tor. Value, $150.                                    No.  1222A  exists  with  double  surcharge,         2010, June 30      Unwmk.                                   one inverted. Value, $120.                            1242 A292  Vert. pair, #a-b  1.75 1.75                                                                People’s Republic of China, 60th                                                                     Anniv. — A288        No. 1217         No. 1217A                                                              2009, Oct. 1      Perf. 13 /4                                                                                     1       1217  A166 2c on 23c #731  20.00 20.00                 1232 A288 $5 multi  5.25 5.25          b.  2 1 /2mm between “c” and              obliterator  30.00  30.00       1217A A166 2c on 23c #731,   No. 1223        No. 1223b                                              A293                 small font  1.00  1.00         No.  1217A  exists  with  inverted  surcharge.       Value,  $90.  No.  1217A  also  exists  with  “xx”       obliterator. Value, $200.                                           No. 1223A                                   1223  A166 5c on 23c                                     A294                                             #731, 4mm                                             between                                             “c” and ob-                   Ferns — A289                                             literator        No. 1218         No. 1218A   b.  2 1 /2mm between “c” and  1.50  1.50                                         obliterator (positions  Designs:  20c,  Cyathea  lunulata.  40c,       1218  A166 3c on 23c #731  40.00 40.00  3 and 89)  30.00  30.00  Asplenium  australasicum.  $1.50,  Diplazium       1218A A166 3c on 23c #731,  1223A A166 5c on 23c       proliferum. $3, Nephrolepsis biserrata.                 small font  1.00  1.00      #731, small                                             font                                                     1.00                                                         1.00                                                                                     1         No. 1218 exists with “3” of surcharge omit-  Nos. 1214-1223A (18)  724.25 724.25  2009, Dec. 15  Perf. 14x14 /2       ted. Most of the known singles have irregular          1233-1236 A289  Set of 4  5.25 5.25       perforations from being roughly removed from  No. 1223 exists with surcharge shifted 50%            A295       sheets.  Value  thus,  $100.  Errors  with  intact  upward. Value, $60. No. 1223 also exists with       perforations  are  extremely  scarce.  Value,  inverted surcharge and with double surcharge,                                   one inverted. Values, $100 and $150, respec-                                   tively. No. 1223 also exists without obliterator.
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