Page 3 - Catalogue Test
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       1266                                                FIJI       134 A27 2 1 /2p grn & org brn  .50  1.25  150 A27  2p mag & green  1.20  .40  186 A43  4sh grn & multi,         a.  Perf. 12 (’48)  .80  .60  151 A39  2 1 /2p blue vio  2.25  .25  wmk. side-         b.  Perf. 13 1 /2 (’42)  .55  1.00  152 A40  3p purple & brn  2.50  .25  ways (’67)  4.75  3.25       135 A27  6p blk (“180 de-   154 A27  6p black  2.50  .85  a.  As #186, wmk. upright (’64)  3.50  6.50                gree”)    2.50  2.40  155 A31  8p carmine lake  3.50  1.40  b.  4sh dark green & multi (’66)  4.00  5.25         a.  Perf. 12 (’47)  1.40  1.75  156 A30  1sh black & yel  2.25  .25  187 A43  5sh dk gray, yel &            Nos. 132-135 (4)  16.50 24.15  157 A40 1sh6p grn & dp ultra  18.00  1.00  red  8.00  1.00         No. 132, type A26, has a man sitting in the  158 A40  2sh brt car &  188 A40  10sh sep & emer       canoe.                               black    5.25  .60          (’64)   5.50  5.75         Nos.  133-135,  type  A27,  have  180  degree  159 A33 2sh6p brn & bl grn  1.20  .50  189 A40  £1 org & blk (’64) 21.00 15.00       added  to  the  lower  right  hand  corner  of  the  160 A40  5sh dp ultra & yel  14.50  1.25  Nos. 176-189 (14)  61.90 41.20       design.                     161 A35  10sh emer & brn    Issued: 3p, 1sh6p, 2sh, 5sh, 12/3; 9p, No.  Fiji Scout  Scouts of India,         Issued:  2 1 /2p,  Jan.  6,  1942;  others  Oct.  1,  org  13.00 20.00  186a, 4/1; 1p, 10p, 10sh, 1/14; 6p, £1, 6/9; 2p,  Badge — A46  Fiji and Europe       1940.                       162 A36  £1 car & ultra  50.00 20.00  2sh6p, 8/3; No. 186b, 3/1; No. 186, 2/16.  Tying                                      Nos. 147-162 (15)  119.10 49.05                                   Knot — A47                                    Issued: 2p, 1sh, 2sh6p, 2/1/54;  1 /2p, 6p, 8p,                                   10sh,  £1,  7/1/54;  1p,  6/1/56;  1 1 /2p,  2 1 /2p,  3p,  Nos. 178 and 171 Overprinted   1964, Aug. 3  Photo.  Perf. 12 /2                                                                                                                 1                                   1sh6p, 2sh, 5sh, 10/1/56.                             206 A46 3p multicolored  .50  .50         No. 133                                                                         207 A47 1sh ocher & purple  .75  .75        Surcharged                     Types of 1954-56 and                               50th  anniv.  of  the  founding  of  the  Fiji  Boy         in Black                                                                        Scouts.       1941, Feb. 10      Perf. 13 /2                               1       136 A27 2 1 /2p on 2p grn & org                brn        1.50 1.00           Never hinged    2.50          Catalogue  values  for  unused                                                       Amphibian        stamps  in  this  section,  from  this                                                 “Aotearoa,”        point to the end of the section, are                                                  1939 — A48        for Never Hinged items.     Nautilus     Hibiscus — A42                                   Shells — A41                Peace Issue             Common Design Type                                                                           Map of Fiji       1946, Aug. 17      Perf. 13 /2                         1963, Feb. 1                                and Tonga                               1                                                                                                          Islands and       137 CD303 2 1 /2p bright green  .25 1.50               196 A44 3p multicolored  .50  .35           Plane       138 CD303  3p deep blue  .25  .25           Kandavu    197 A40 1sh dark blue & blue  .50  .35                                                   Parrot                                                 A49             Silver Wedding Issue                  A43        Visit of Elizabeth II & Prince Philip, Feb. 3.            Common Design Types                                                           Design: 6p, Heron plane.                                    1 /2p, 2p, 2 1 /2p, Queen Elizabeth II (A39). 1p,                                                                                                             1                                                                                                                 1                               1       1948, Dec. 17 Photo. Perf. 14x14 /2  Queen,  turtles  in  bottom  panels.  6p,  Fijian  Freedom from Hunger Issue  1964, Oct. 24  Perf. 12 /2, 14 /2       139 CD304 2 1 /2p dark green  .70  1.75  beating  drum  (lali).  10p,  Yaqona  ceremony.  Common Design Type  208 A48 3p brt red & black  .50  .35                                                                                     1             Engr.; Name Typo.     1sh, South Pacific map. 2sh6p, Nadi Airport.  1963, June 4  Photo.  Perf. 14x14 /2  209 A48 6p ultra & red  .90 1.00                                                                                                             .90 1.00                                                                                         210 A49 1sh grnsh blue & black               Perf.  11 /2x11     10sh, Cutting sugar cane. £1, Arms of Fiji.  198 CD314 2sh ultramarine  5.25 2.75  Nos. 208-210 (3)  2.30 2.35                     1       140 CD305 5sh blue violet  17.50  9.00  Perf. 11 /2 (A39, A41); 11 /2x11 (A40);     Fiji-Tonga airmail service, 25th anniv.                                                   1                                        1                                     14 /2x14 (A42); 14x14 /2 (A43)                                                   1                                       1                UPU Issue          Engr. (A39, A40, A41); others Photo.                                                                                                  ITU Issue            Common Design Types    1959-63            Wmk. 4                                  Common Design Type          Engr.; Name Typo. on 3p, 8p  163 A39  1 /2p green (’61)  .25  2.75                             1                                          1p dk blue (’62)                         1                   1              Perf. 13 /2, 11x11 /2  164 A41  1 1 /2p dk brown (’62)  3.25  2.75         1965, May 17 Perf. 11x11 /2  Wmk. 314                                                                                                    Litho.                                   165 A41                                                     2.60                                                         2.50       1949, Oct. 10       Wmk. 4  166 A39  2p crim rose (’61)  .75  .25       Running   211 CD317 3p blue & rose red  .30  .30       141 CD306  2p red violet  .35  .75  167 A39  2 1 /2p brown org (’62)  2.25  4.50  A45  212 CD317 2sh yel & bister  2.40 2.40       142 CD307  3p indigo  2.25  5.75  168 A40  6p blk & car rose       143 CD308  8p dp carmine  .35  4.50  (’61)    1.90  .25       144 CD309 1sh6p blue  .40  3.00  169 A42  8p gray, red, yel &  9p,  Throwing  the  discus,  vert.  1sh,  Field  Intl. Cooperation Year Issue            Nos. 141-144 (4)  3.35 14.00    grn (’61)  .70  .40  hockey, vert. 2sh6p, Women’s high jump.  Common Design Type                                   170 A40  10p car & brn (’63)  .90  .80  1    1        1965, Oct. 25     Perf. 14 /2                                                                                                                 1              Coronation Issue     171 A40  1sh dk bl & bl (’61)  2.25  .75  Perf. 14 /2x14, 14x14 /2  213 CD318  2p blue grn &             Common Design Type    172 A40 2sh6p pur & blk (’61)  4.00  1.40  1963, Aug. 6  Wmk. 314  claret  .35  .25                                   173 A43                                         4sh dk grn, red, bl       1953, June 2    Perf. 13 /2x13       & emer   2.60  2.40  199 A45  3p yel, blk & brn  .55  .25  214 CD318 2sh6p lt vio & grn  2.25 2.10                             1                                                                     9p violet, blk & brn                                                                                  .55 1.40                                                              200 A45       145 CD312 2 1 /2p dk green & blk  1.75  .60  174 A40  10sh sep & emer  201 A45  1sh green, blk & brn  .55  .25             Nos. 145 (1)  1.75  .60        (’61)    6.50  4.00  202 A45 2sh6p blue, blk & brn  1.15 1.15  Churchill Memorial Issue                                   175 A40  £1 org & blk (’61) 19.00  5.00  Nos. 199-202 (4)  2.80 3.05  Common Design Type         Type of 1938-40 with Portrait of  Nos. 163-175 (13)  46.95 27.75  1st So. Pacific Games, Suva, 8/29-9/7.   1966, Jan. 24  Photo.  Perf. 14        Queen Elizabeth II Inscribed: “Royal  Issued: 4sh, 7/13; 8p, 8/1;  1 /2p, 2p, 6p, 1sh,  Design in Black, Gold and Carmine                Visit 1953”        2sh6p, 10sh, £1, 11/14; 1p, 1 1 /2p, 2 1 /2p, 12/3;              Rose                                   10p, 4/1.       1953, Dec. 16       Perf. 13  For type overprinted see No. 205.  Red Cross Centenary Issue  215 CD319  3p brt blue  .95  .30       146 A31 8p carmine lake  .65  .35                           Common Design Type    216 CD319  9p green  1.35 1.35         Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of  Types of 1954-63 and   1963, Sept. 2  Litho.  Perf. 13  217 CD319  1sh brown  1.35  .30       Edinburgh, 1953.                                       203 CD315 2p black & red  .75  .30  218 CD319 2sh6p violet  1.50 1.50                                                              204 CD315 2sh ultra & red  3.25 3.25  Nos. 215-218 (4)  5.15 3.45         Types of 1938-50 with Portrait of                                                   World Cup Soccer Issue            Queen Elizabeth II, and                                                           Common Design Type                                                                Type of                  1966, July 1  Litho.  Perf. 14                                                               1959-63                   219 CD321 2p multicolored  .50  .30                                                              Overprinted                220 CD321 2sh multicolored  1.50  .90                                    Elizabeth II — A44                                                                                   1                 A39                1sh6p,  180th  meridian  and  Intl.  Date  Line.  1963, Dec. 2  Engr.  Perf. 11 /2x11  H.M.S.                                   2sh, White orchids. 5sh, Orange dove.  205 A40 1sh dark blue & blue  .85  .35  Pandora                                   Perf. 11 /2 (A41); 12 /2 (A44); 11 /2x11  Opening of the Commonwealth Pacific (tele-  and Split                                                        1                                                1                                        1                                        (A40); 14x14 /2 (A43)  phone) Cable service, COMPAC.  Island,                                                 1                                    Engr. (A40, A41); others Photo.                        Rotuma                                                                                             A50                                   1962-67           Wmk. 314           Loading                 176 A41  1p dark blue (’64)  .75  4.25            Copra                  177 A39  2p crim rose (’65)  .95  .25                  Designs: 10p, Rotuma chiefs, Pandora, and             A40                   178 A44  3p rose cl & multi  .25  .25                 Rotuma’s  position  in  Pacific.  1sh6p,  Rotuma                                                                                         islanders welcoming Pandora.                                   179 A40  6p blk & car rose         Designs:  1sh6p,  Sugar  cane  train.  2sh,  (’64)  1.10  .25       Bananas for export. 5sh, Gold industry.  180 A42  9p ultra, red, yel &  1.10  1.00                                            grn (’63)         Perf. 11 /2, 11 /2x11, 12, 12 /2, 13  181 A40  10p car & brn (’64)  1.10  .85                  1               1                           1                                                          .75                                         1sh dk bl & bl (’66)                                   182 A40                                                     1.90       1954-56              Engr.  183 A43 1sh6p dk bl & multi  2.25  1.60       147 A24  1 /2p green  .25  1.40  184 A42  2sh gold, yel grn &       148 A39  1p grnsh blue  1.75  .25    grn      11.00  5.75       149 A39  1 1 /2p brown  .95  .65  185 A40 2sh6p pur & blk (’65)  2.25  1.25
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