Page 1 - Catalogue Test
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       1264                                        FERNANDO PO — FIJI                                                                                         23  A3(b)  6c on 3p                                                                                                  green  3,250.  1,000.                                                                                         24  A3(c)  6c on 3p                                                                                                  green  2,750.  750.00                                                                                          a.  Inverted “A”  2,100.  1,900.                                                                                          b.  Period after “R” is a                                                                                              Maltese Cross  5,250.  2,000.                                                                         A1              25  A4(b) 12c on 6p  1,050.  260.00                                                                                                  rose                                                                                             “V.R.” inverted        Linsang — A40                                         1870  Unwmk.  Typeset  Rouletted  26 a.  A4(c) 12c on 6p  7,500.                                                                   Thin Quadrille Paper           rose   1,000.  250.00         Stamp  Day:  1.50p,  Needle-clawed  galago,  Hand Blessing                       a.  Inverted “A”  2,900.  1,350.       vert. 3.50p, Fraser’s scaly-tailed flying squirrel.  Woman — SP2  1 2  A1 1p black, pink  4,250. 4,500.  b.  Period after “R” is a  3,000.  1,350.                                                                                              Maltese Cross                                                                               5,000. 4,750.                                                                A1 3p black, pink       1967, Nov. 23  Photo.  Perf. 13                        3 5  A1 6p black, pink  2,600. 2,750.  c.  “V.R.” inverted  7,000.                                                                               2,100. 2,400.                                                                A1 1sh black, pink       248 A40  1p black & bister  .35  .30  Design:  25c+10c,  Boy  making  sign  of  the  Types “b” and “c” were in the same sheet.       249 A40 1.50p brown & olive  .40  .35  cross, and crucifix.       250 A40 3.50p rose lake & dl grn  .50  .40             1871   Thin Vertically Laid Paper                                                          1            Nos. 248-250 (3)  1.25 1.05  1961, June 21  Perf. 13x12 /2  6  A1 1p black, pink  1,150. 2,100.                                   B7 SP2 10c + 5c rose brn  .40  .30  7  A1 3p black, pink  1,900. 3,400.                                   B8 SP2 25c + 10c gray vio  .40  .30  8  A1 6p black, pink  1,600. 2,100.  Nos. 23-26 with                                   B9 SP2 80c + 20c dk grn  .50  .35  9  A1 9p black, pink  3,400. 4,000.  Additional Surcharge in                         Stamp of       Nos. B7-B9 (3)  1.30  .95  10  A1 1sh black, pink  1,900. 1,900.  Black or Red                         1868, No.    The surtax was for child welfare.   This  service  was  established  by  the  Fiji                         1, and                               Times, a weekly newspaper, for the delivery of                         Arms of                              the newspaper. Since there was no postal ser-                         San Carlos                           vice to the other islands, delivery of letters to                                                              agents  of  the  newspaper  on  the  islands  was                         A41                                  offered to the public.     1875 A3(b) 2p on 6c on                                                                                         28                                                               Nos.  1-5  were  printed  in  the  same  sheet,  3p (R)  900.00  325.00         Fernando  Po  No.  1  and:  1.50p,  Arms  of         one horizontal row of 6 of each (6p, 1sh, 1p,  a.  Period btwn. “2” and                                                                                              “d”       Santa Isabel. 2.50p, Arms of Fernando Po.    Ethiopian  3p).  Nos.  6-10  were  printed  from  the  same  29  A3(c) 2p on 6c on  2,250.  850.00                                                              plate with three 9p replacing three 3p.       1968, Feb. 4  Photo.  Perf. 13               Tortoise   Most used examples have pen cancels.  3p  1,900.  600.00                                                    SP3       251 A41  1p brt plum & brn                              Up to three sets of imitations exist. One on  a. b.  Inverted “A”  4,500.  1,600.                                                                                             Period after “R” is a                 org       .30  .30                           pink  laid  paper,  pin-perforated,  measuring  Maltese Cross  4,500.  1,600.       252 A41 1.50p dp blue & brn org  .40  .30  Stamp Day: 25c+10c, 1p+10c, Native carri-  22 1 /2x16mm. Originals measure 22 1 /2x18 1 /2mm.  c.  No period after “2d”  4,500.  1,600.       253 A41 2.50p brn & brn org  .50  .40  ers, palms and shore.  A later printing was made on pink wove paper.  30  A3(c) 2p on 6c on            Nos. 251-253 (3)  1.20 1.00                 1      Forgeries also exist plus fake cancellations.  3p (R)  750.00  250.00         Centenary of the first postage stamp.   1961, Nov. 23  Perf. 12 /2x13            a. b.  Inverted “A”  2,100.  850.00                                                                                             Period after “R” is a                                   B10 SP3 10c + 5c rose red                                                          .30                                                       .35                                                                                              Maltese Cross                                   B11 SP3 25c + 10c dk pur  .40  .30                     c.  No period after “2d”  2,250.  875.00                                                                                                               875.00                                                                                                          2,250.                                   B12 SP3 30c + 10c vio brn  .40  .30                   31  A4(b) 2p on 12c on                                   B13 SP3 1p + 10c red org  .50  .40                             6p     3,250.  1,000.                                       Nos. B10-B13 (4)  1.65 1.30                        a.  Period btwn. “2” and                                                                                              “d”                                                                                          b.  No period after “2d”                                                                                          c.  “2d, VR” double  5,500.                                             FIJI                                        32  A4(c) 2p on 12c on  3,000.  900.00                                                                                                  6p          Signs of the                       'f¯e-(")j¯e          Crown and “CR” (Cakobau  a. b.  Inverted “A”  4,500.  1,400.                                                                                             No period after “2d”         Zodiac — A42                                                    Rex)             c.  “2d, VR” double  5,500.                                                                     A2       A3       1968, Apr. 25  Photo.  Perf. 13  LOCATION — Group  of  332  islands                 Types of 1871 Overprinted or       254 A42  1p Libra   .30  .30  (106  inhabited)  in  the  South  Pacific                Surcharged in Black       255 A42 1.50p Leo   .40  .35  Ocean east of Vanuatu       256 A42 2.50p Aquarius  .50  .40  GOVT. — Independent nation in British            Nos. 254-256 (3)  1.20 1.05  Commonwealth             Issued for child welfare.   AREA — 7,078 sq. mi.                                   POP. — 812,918 (1999 est.)                                   CAPITAL — Suva                        A4            SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS      A  British  colony  since  1874,  Fiji                                   became fully independent in 1970.  1871  Typo.  Wmk. 17  Perf. 12 /2  e   f                                                                                     1          Catalogue  values  for  unused  12 Pence = 1 Shilling  15  A2 1p blue Wove Paper  62.50 140.00  1876, Jan. 31  Unwmk.        stamps  in  this  section  are  for  20 Shillings = 1 Pound  16  A3 3p green  125.00 400.00  Wove Paper        Never Hinged items.        100 Cents = 1 Dollar (1872-74, 1969)  17  A4 6p rose  170.00 325.00  33  A2(e)  1p ultramarine  60.00  60.00                                                                  Nos. 15-17 (3)                                                                              357.50 865.00                                       Syncopated Perforations      Sheets of 50 (10x5).   a. b.  Inverted surcharge  1,000.                                                                                              Dbl. impression of                                                                                               stamp          Types of Regular Issue, 1960   Type  A  (1st  stamp  #873):  On  39. For overprints and surcharges see Nos. 18-  c.  Horiz. pair, imperf vert.  1,000.         Designs: 10c+5c, Manuel de Falla. 15c+5c,  shorter sides, the seventh hole from the  34  A3(e+f) 2p on 3p dk                                                                                                   grn       Dancers from “Love, the Magician.”  larger side is an oval hole equal in width     a.  Dbl. surch. “Two  60.00  65.00                                   to three holes.                                             Pence”                  1       1            Perf. 12 /2x13, 13x12 /2                                                     35  A4(e)  6p rose  70.00  65.00       1960     Photo.     Unwmk.                                                         b. c.  Surcharge inverted                                                                                              Dbl. impression of       B1 A18 10c + 5c maroon  .35  .30  Catalogue  values  for  unused  Stamps of 1871        stamp       2,850.       B2 A17 15c + 5c dk brn & bister  .35  .35  stamps  in  this  country  are  for  Surcharged in Black  Nos. 33-35 (3)  190.00 190.00           The surtax was for child welfare.   Never  Hinged  items,  beginning                                   with Scott 137 in the regular post-                   1877             Laid Paper                                   age  section  and  Scott  B1  in  the                 36 a.  A2(e)  1p ultramarine  30.00  50.00                                                                                              Horiz. pair, imperf. vert.                                                                                                           1,100.                                   semi-postal section.                                  37  A3(e+f) 2p on 3p dk grn  80.00  85.00                                                              1872, Jan. 13              38  A3(e+f) 4p on 3p lilac  110.00  27.50                                                              18  A2  2c on 1p blue  60.00  65.00  a.  Horiz. pair, imperf. vert.  1,000.                                                                                                          60.00                                                                               90.00                                    Values  for  unused  stamps  are  for  19  A3  6c on 3p green  125.00  90.00  39 a.  A4(e)  6p rose  800.00  37.50                                                                                              Horiz. pair, imperf. vert.                                                              20                                                                A4 12c on 6p rose                                                                                   90.00                                   examples with original gum as defined  Nos. 18-20 (3)  275.00 245.00  Nos. 36-39 (4)  280.00 200.00                         Whale     in the catalogue introduction except for                                                                                          Many  of  the  preceding  stamps  are  known                         SP1       Nos.  1-10  which  are  valued  without  Nos. 18-20 with Additional Overprint  imperforate. They are printer’s waste and were                                   gum. Additionally, Nos. 1-10 are valued  in Black     never issued.         Design: Nos. B4, B6, Harpooning whale.  with roulettes showing on two or more       1961            Perf. 12 /2x13  sides, but expect small faults that do not                             1       B3 SP1 10c + 5c rose brown  .35  .30  detract  from  the  appearance  of  the       B4 SP1 20c + 5c dk slate grn  .35  .30  stamps. Very few examples of Nos. 1-       B5 SP1 30c + 10c olive brn  .40  .30  10 will be found free of faults, and these       B6 SP1 50c + 20c dark brn  .45  .30  will command substantial premiums.             Nos. B3-B6 (4)  1.55 1.20            Issued for Stamp Day, 1960.                                           Watermark              b               c                                                                                            A12             A13                                                              1874, Oct. 10                                                              21  A2(b)  2c on 1p                                                                       blue   1,250.  315.00                                                              22  A2(c)  2c on 1p                                    Wmk. 17 — FIJI POSTAGE Across      blue   1,150.  300.00                                        Center Row of Sheet    a.  Invtd. “A” instead of  3,250.  1,500.                                                                   “V”                                                               b.  Period after “R” is a                                                                   Maltese Cross  3,250.  1,500.
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