Page 30 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 30
Electricity, Free from Sun
ndia's renewable energy programme is while thermal went up by merely 5.3%. The The government has told the central power
proceeding at such a rapid pace that its survey notes that the cost of renewable regulator that winners of wind project
Icontribution to total power generation will energy has fallen drastically in recent years auctions be given preference in transmission
equal that of coal in 2026 and surpass it the putting economic cost of solar and wind facilities, a move that should help achieve
following year, according to projections made power almost on par with that of thermal the target of 60,000 MW of wind energy by
in the second volume of the Economic power. 2022 but has upset firms that did not win
Survey released on Friday. projects. Anand Kumar, secretary at the
It points out that the levelised cost of ministry of new and renewable energy, has
At present, India's installed power capacity is electricity from solar halved between 2010 communicated this to the Central Electricity
327 GW of which thermal power from coal and 2014 and has fallen further since to a Regulatory Commission days before the
comprises 192.16 GW or 55% of the total, record low of Rs 2.44 per kwH at a solar quasi-judicial body hears the matter.
while renewable energy capacity is 57.26 auction in Rajasthan in May. It notes that Industry executives called the development a
MW or 18% of the total. India has set itself wind tariffs too have dropped, though not as rare official intervention in a regulatory
the goal of 175 GW of renewable power dramatically. But the survey also provides a matter.
capacity by 2022 and 275 GW by 2027. detailed analysis of the social costs of both
coal–based energy and renewable energy. Officials said the government is keen to
But coal capacity is expected to increase by ensure wind and solar energy projects are
only 50 GW by 2022 and thereafter remain In all, it estimates that currently the social implemented quickly post auction. “The
almost constant, as a result of which by cost of renewables is around Rs 11 per kwH, renewable energy secretary has written this
2027, coal-based power capacity will three times the social cost of coal. However, was essential to ensure timely completion of
248.51GW, or a shade less than that of in coming years, the balance is expected to the wind projects and achieving the
renewables. change considerably as the cost of stranded government's target to add 60 GW of wind
assets becomes less important. The report capacity by 2022,” one of them said. Power
However, that will depend on the ambitious also notes that India is well on its way to Grid CorporationBSE -0.97 % has petitioned
yearly energy targets being persistently achieving the Nationally Determined the regulator seeking similar directions for
achieved. Already in 2016-17, installed Contribution (NDC) goals it had committed to preventing underutilisation of bays for
renewable capacity increased by 24.5%, at international climate conferences. connectivity.