Page 26 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 26

                          EYEING TRANSPARENCY IN REALTY

                                 BUSINESS WITH GST & RERA

           yeing Transparency in Realty Business   Real  Estate  Kings)  that,  “RERA  is  a  fabulous   structure of 12% for home-buyers is a welcome
           with GST and RERA. Most of the real   initiative and it will be a win-win for all the stake-  move along with reduction in paper-work. GST
     Eestate  developers  are  registered  in   holders.” He added that under RERA, all property   will also help cut cash component in construction
     Maharashtra as per the Maharashtra Real Estate   brokers  will  have  to  register  with  real  estate   as products have to be sourced from registered
     Regulatory  Authority  (MahaRERA)  as  of  now.   regulators  in  their  states,  thus  sieving  out  the   vendors to get input tax credits.”
     RERA is expected to protect the interest of the   small-time players and consolidating major ones.
                                                                                   The  government  has  informed  developers  to
     homebuyer  and  ensure  timely  delivery  of
                                            Developers  have  to  be  extra  careful  while   pass on any benefits that they may avail under
     projects.   Both Goods and Services Tax (GST)
                                            uploading  any  documents  for  registration  from   the new tax regime to the homebuyers. Avinash
     and  RERA  will  bring  transparency  in  the  real
                                            now on. As the new orders from the RERA says   Khater, who's the chairman of TREK a group of
     estate sector definitely. These acts are supposed
                                            that documents once uploaded by the promoter   69 highly professional, ethical and experienced
     to  bring  in  boost  within  the  real  estate  sector
                                            during registration or project update cannot be   realtors  of  Mumbai  comprising  of  the  'Movers-
     through their progressive and diversified roles.
                                            deleted. Advocate Anil Harish, Partner of the Law   and-Shakers'  in  the  real-estate  consulting
     Not only buyers but builders will also be benefited   Firm, D. M. Harish and Co added, “The RERA is   business said;
     from these two acts. One of them such points is   all  set  to  bring  in  transparency  into  the  Real
                                                                                   “The  real  estate  sector  is  the  second  largest
     that  RERA  proposes  to  impose  penalty  on   Estate  Sector.  The  act  is  bound  to  forge  a
                                                                                   employer  in  the  country  after  agriculture  and
     allottee  for  not  paying  dues  on  time. Also,  the   symbiotic  relationship  between  the  discerning
                                                                                   ranks third among the 14 major sectors in terms
     builder will have the opportunity to approach the   home  buyers  and  genuine  real  estate
                                                                                   of direct, indirect and induced effects in all sectors
     regulator in case there is any issue with the buyer.   developers.  Specialized  regulation  and
                                                                                   of  the  economy.  The  housing  sector  alone
     In  addition  GST  will  help  as  subsume  multiple   enforcement ensures consumer protection and
                                                                                   contributes 5-6 per cent to the country's Gross
     indirect taxes levied on the developers.  fraudulent activities like money trail and curbing
                                                                                   Domestic  Product  (GDP).  GST  and  RERA  will
                                            money  laundering.  The  bill  promotes
     GST and RERA are expected to actually bring                                   surely bring in the boost within the Real Estate
                                            transparency, fair and ethical practices, through
     down the project cost for developers which will                               sector through their progressive and diversified
                                            disclosure  of  project  details  and  contractual
     inturn  lead  to  cheaper  homes.  Both  acts  will                           roles. “ After these acts are implemented the real
                                            obligations between the project and the buyer.”
     provide  an  audit  trail  for  better  control  and                          estate market is expected to grow more for sure.
     monitoring  of  the  sector.  Though  RERA  is  a   RERA  and  GST  over  all  are  expected  to  add   The  implementation  of  GST  and  RERA  will
     central  law,  its  execution  will  depend  on  state   many  other  rules  which  can  regulate  the  real   ensure uniform tax rates and structures making
     governments, as real estate is a state subject.   estate  sector  more  comprehensively.    the country tax neutral and rates stable in terms
     Advocate Parimal K. Shroff of Parimal Shroff and   Ravikumar, Director in the Indirect Tax practice of   of business.
     Co informed in an event organized by TREK (The   Ernst and Young said, “A simple single rate tax
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