Page 22 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 22
Somany Ceramics Launches 3D Tile Visualizer, – a 3D software aimed at TO RS 50,000 CRORE BY 2020
helping users visualize their interiors. Equipped with Virtual Reality, the India's ceramic industry is looking to almost double its turnover to Rs
software provides a one-of-kind-experience to the users. Designed to help 50,000 crore by 2020, driven by rising domestic consumption and exports
buyers self-create their interiors, the software lets them build their rooms to the Middle-East, Europe and other newer destinations.
from scratch – they can select the dimensions, place the tiles in a variety of The manufacturers are poised to compete with China in the global
combinations and furnish it with furniture and other props. Alternatively, it ceramic market, which is a lead exporter with 40 per cent market share,
also offers pre-built layouts to inspire creative instincts and help one get by expanding product portfolio and scouting for new geographies.
started. The designs created can be easily saved and modified at a later
To attract more business and global customers, Gujarat- based Morbi
time. While the technology was first introduced in Delhi, the company has
Ceramic Cluster, a leading player, is organising the second edition of
recently launched the Tile Visualizer setup at Somany Grande in Panchkula
'Vibrant Ceramics'.
and Somany Experience Centre in Chennai. With more developments in the
pipeline the company plans to come up in Mumbai GVT. Here are the "The ceramics industry is looking at growth of 200 per cent by 2020 at Rs
50,000 crore, from Rs 25,000 crore at present," Vibrant Ceramics 2017
complete addresses of the showrooms where you can experience the Tile
President Nilesh Jetpariya told PTI.
The industry employs more than 10 lakh skilled and unskilled personnel,
Charu Malhotra, GM – Marketing, Somany Ceramics said, “The objective of
he added. "We are looking for at least 50 per cent growth in production
creating this software was to make the customer experience how a tile
and value this year," said Jetpariya. Besides, the industry is expecting
would look in a home setting closer to their own home and that's why we
demand from semi-urban and rural areas to rise in coming year, apart
gave them different props and features so that they can play around with
from developed metro markets.
them and create a space close to their heart. The association is organising the second edition of the Vibrant Ceramics
in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, during November 16-19 this year.
"Vibrant Ceramics would provide us a platform to showcase our
product and technology at the international level. It would also help
us expand our global reach," he said, adding that this is on the lines
of Vibrant Gujarat.
India ships 20 per cent of its total ceramic export to Saudi Arabia.