Page 20 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 20


     Advantages of Solar Panel              But some are taking that idea even further and   built into the road itself. In addition, they can
     Roads :                                proposing that we build the roads themselves   use gathered heat to melt snow and ice on the
                                            out of solar panels. Solar Roadways, a U.S.   roads.
     You've probably seen traffic warning signs on   company, has a plan to create structurally
     the side of the road with small solar panels   engineered rows of solar panels that cars and   The company also says that having a source of
     attached to them. While they're one example of   trucks can actually drive     electricity beneath cars at all times would make
     how solar power can aid our driving experience,                                it easy for electric vehicles to stay charged up
                                            on. And while we're driving on them, they'll   at roadside stations -- clearing the major hurdle
     they're only the tip of the iceberg.
                                            collect solar power that can supply power to our   that EVs face, which is finding places to charge
     In August 2008, the Oregon Department of   homes and businesses.               when they spend their batteries [source: Solar
     Transportation installed a row of solar panels                                 Roadways].
                                            The "solar highways" consist of individual
     five feet (1.5 meters) wide and two football
                                            panels with three layers -- a top layer of high-  With each 12-foot by 12-foot (3.7-meter by 3.7-
     fields long at an interchange near two interstate
                                            strength, textured glass that provides traction   meter) panel capable of producing 7.6-kilowatt
                                            for vehicles, an array of solar cells beneath that   hours of power each day, each mile of solar
     The panels are designed to feed into Portland
                                            for gathering energy, and a base plate that   roadways could produce power to run as many
     General Electric's grid, supplying nearly 30
                                            distributes the collected power [source: Solar   as 500 homes [source: Jacquot].
     percent of the power necessary to run the
     highway's lights at night [source: Rivera].                                    The U.S. Department of Transportation thinks
                                            They're more than just solar energy collectors,   it's a good enough idea to give the company a
     As you can see, solar panels already have
                                            too. The panels contain LED lights, powered by   $100,000 grant. But can the solar panels really
     applications on our roads.
                                            the sun, that can act as road and warning signs   hold up? On the next page, we'll look at the
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