Page 16 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 16


                                                                                                    FIRST EVER

                                                                                                 “ KOHLER


                                                                                                 CENTRE ”

                                                                                                   LAUNCHED IN

                                                                                                NEW DELHI

     K     ohler Co., a global leader in the design   suites. These were conceptualized to showcase   bronze highlights that render the bathing space
                                            the  possibilities  in  luxury  bathroom  space  –
                                                                                   with grandeur. Krupa Zubin and Zubin Zainuddin
           and  manufacture  of  kitchen  and  bath
                                            created by some of India's top architecture and
                                                                                   of ZZ Architects created Sublime Luxury, a suite
           products, announces its first ever launch
     of  a  new  retail  concept—the  KOHLER   design  talent,  each  exclusive  suite  features   designed to revitalize the senses in an ambience
     Experience Center (KEC) at Lajpat Nagar 4, New   Kohler's finest products woven into a distinctive   of warm, understated luxury. Salil Sadanandan,

     Delhi in India on June 30th June, offering a global   theme.Japanese  minimalism  and  warm  woody   President  K&B  Kohler  Brand  –  South  Asia  &
     immersion  in  the  full  offering  of  KOHLER   tones add a cozy touch to the CCBA Zen Style   EMEA at Kohler Co said that they are  passionate
     products                               Bathroom  by  Christopher  Benninger  and   about being ingrained in current and future trends
                                            Ramprasad Akkisetti of CCBA. Sarabjit Singh of   and understanding how architects and designers
     Keeping  with  its  commitment  to  provide  an
                                            Fabinteriors  has  made  use  of  a  sleek,  neutral   work with their products.
     unparalleled  level  of  service  to  architects,
                                            palette brightened with a splash of azure to create
     designers and consumers alike,   the Center                                        The Kohler Experience Center features a
     houses fully-functioning displays of Kohler's                                      unique collaboration with seven of India's
     global  product  line,  from  showers  and                                         top architects, with the aim of inspiring their
     bathtubs to sinks and toilets —a first for both                                     consumers  to  make  the  bathroom  the
     the  industry  and  for  the  KOHLER  brand  in                                    centerpiece  of  their  home.  Designed  by
     India  that    will  enable  architects,  design                                   Ambrish  Arora,  Founder  and  Principal
     professionals  and  consumers  to  test  and                                       Architect of Studio Lotus, each touch point
     specify KOHLER products all under one roof.  the  ultramodern  “AZURE”  –  Splendors  of  the   of the 10,000 square-foot space is designed to
                                            Seaside Horizon.                       immerse,  connect  and  inspire  while  helping
     David Kohler, President and CEO of Kohler Co                                  architects  and  designers  specify  the  best
                                            Sole Soul Flight by Husna Rahaman of Fulcrum
     said that their  Kohler Experience Centers signify                            products for their projects.
                                            pays reverence to the exploration of one's inner
     a paradigm shift in their retail experience globally.
                                            self with a stark, simplistic palette. Deco Nouveau   There  are  dedicated  spaces  for  Kohler's
     With the launch of the Kohler Experience Center
                                            Classic Timeless by Vikram Phadke of Interspace   exclusive  Artist  Editions  range  of  products.  In
     in  New  Delhi  they  are  elevating  their  retail
                                            Architects marries old world elegance with new   addition,  KALLISTA,  a  Kohler  Co.  brand  of
     experience allowing end consumers, architects
                                            age technology in the classic shades of black and   plumbing products will have a dedicated space
     and  designers  to  have  an  interactive  and
                                            white.Memory, by Sandeep Khosla and Amaresh   designed by Studio Lotus. Kohler also plans to
     immersive experience with Kohler's global range
                                            Anand of Khosla & Associates explores notions of   roll out Kohler Experience Centers across major
     of products.
                                            craft and nostalgia through contrasting textures   cities of the world, including New York, London,
     One of the highlights of the KEC New Delhi is the
                                            and  finishes  and  a  muted  palette.  Sanjay  Puri   Los Angeles, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong,
     zone  featuring  the  seven  exclusive  designer
                                            created  Ishatvam  with  rich,  earthy  colours  and   Bangkok and Taipei by the end of the year.
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