Page 11 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 11


    India has demonstrated a significant potential for   being an international player in flooring industry,   than a 'green-washing' exercise to jump on the
    the growth in soft flooring market. As soft flooring   size of the market and its potential makes it viable   marketing bandwagon and is a guiding principle
    solutions  demand  is  soaring  high  in  India,   and sensible for them to be here. Also investing in   in  all  decision-making.  Belgotex  believes  this
    Belgotex  International  Group,  global   India  represents  their  ongoing  pursuit  of   philosophy guarantees the sustainability of their
    manufacturer  in  soft  flooring  from  Europe  and   expansion and is a testimony of their strength as   business and their customer retention strategy.
    other parts of world (South Africa , Europe , South   one of the leading manufacturers globally.
                                                                                    Belogotex  Group  is  very  aggressive  in
    America , Australia) is bringing the global legacy
                                            Belgotex has collaborated with leading architects   anticipating markets needs and develop relevant
    of innovation to Indian market.
                                            and  workspace  engineers  to  develop  tailored   solutions.  They  also  try  to  ensure  their
    They  are  kick  starting  their  operations  from   solutions  for  specific  projects.  Their  close   competitive advantage through cost control and
    Bengaluru as it's the most concentrated market   collaboration  of  R&D  teams  and  the  factory   their  ongoing  investment  in  state  of  the  art
    for office spaces which is followed by Delhi NCR,   ensures that their manufacturing capability brings   equipment and technologies to break barriers to
    Mumbai and other regions in the south. To target   ideas to fruition.           enter  into  new  markets.Proliferation  of  soft
    hospitality  and  office  spaces  in  commercial                                 flooring industry in India is mainly seen as a result
                                            The  entire  process  is  design  driven,  providing
    business category, Belgotex Group is launching                                  of surge in new and existing home sales, growth
                                            unlimited  opportunity  for  customization.  This
    Belgotex South Africa, France and Balsan.                                       in  commercial  construction  in  the  nation,
                                            positions  Belgotex  as  leaders  by  design  and
                                                                                    progress in office completion globally and rising
    Innovation  is  a  part  of  Belgotex  DNA  and  has   enables  them  to  stay  abreast  of  the  latest
                                                                                    infrastructure spending.
    grown their market share through Technological   products, manufacturing techniques, machinery
    Innovation.Speaking  about  the  prospect  of   and international trends or fashions.  Belgotex Group which enjoys significant market
    flooring solution in India, Pankaj Talreja, Country                              shares in France, Africa, Brazil and some other
                                            In addition, Belgotex also seeks-out sustainable
    Manager, Belgotex said that India is one of fastest                             countries has been covering surfaces in offices,
                                            and eco-logically friendly production practices in
    growing economies in the world and the kind of                                  hospitality  and  homes  for  over  30  years  and
                                            the name of 'Green Journey'. This has been a
    infrastructural development they are witnessing,                                offering various soft floor coverings.
                                            way  of  doing  business  since  the  outset  rather
     International  Finance  Corporation  (IFC)  is   As  per  SHLC  data,  real  estate  sector  is   see what policy interventions they can come up
     planning  to  invest  over  $1  billion  in  next  five   responsible  for  24%  of  India's  annual  carbon   with,  said  Venkatesh  Gopalkrishnan,  CEO,
     years to support India's green building initiative.   dioxide  emissions,  which  contributes  to  global   Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate.
     IFC's Country Head (India) Jun Zhang said that   warming and poor air quality. SHLC's target is to
                                                                                    Currently,  the  government  doesn't  have  any
     affordable and sustainable homes, is a key part   have 20% of new Indian homes as green, which
                                                                                    specific policy for green buildings on the lines of
     of IFC's strategy in India.             may translate into saving of around 198 million
                                                                                    affordable housing.
                                             kilowatt  hour  of  energy  annually  and  cut  108
     Tata Housing Development Company, Mahindra
                                             billion metric tonnes of carbon dioxide.  Gopalkrishnan  said  that  they  are  trying  to  get
     Lifespace  Developers,  Godrej  Properties,
                                                                                    government come with  policy measures, to put
     Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate and VBHC Value   In order to achieve this, $1 trillion of investment
                                                                                    them down and drill them down to various states
     Homes  along  with  International  Finance   will be required so that 2.5 million homes can be
                                                                                    and various developers. They are also trying to
     Corporation  (IFC),  European  Union  and  PNB   created.
                                                                                    devise a policy which is a win-win situation for the
     Housing Finance have come together to give a
                                             Meanwhile,  IFC  plans  to  independently  invest   government as well.As a part of the initial phase,
     push to green homes.
                                             around $5 billion in the next five years in the area   Teri will come up with a few technologies that can
     Sustainable  Housing  Leadership  Consortium   of climate change.              be implemented.
     (SHLC) on Tuesday announced they will make
                                             Jun Zhang, country manager (India), IFC, said   In  another  six  months,  they  will  provide  their
     100%  of  their  new  housing  portfolio  green,
                                             that  twenty  percent  of  this  will  be  invested  in   projects to implement these green technologies
     thereby contributing 110 million square feet of
                                             green building spaces, which is around a billion   on a pilot basis,  said Anita Arjundas, managing
     green  housing  by  2020.  This  would  entail  an
                                             dollars.                               director of Mahindra Lifespace Developers.
     investment of around $1 trillion.
                                             SHLC  are trying to crack that on various fronts   According  to  Pirojsha  Godrej,  executive
     The Energy and Resources Institute (Teri) will
                                             while  working  with  Teri,  National  Skill   chairman  of  Godrej  Properties,  customers  will
     assist them under the banner of SHLC, which
                                             Development Corporation, with the technology   have  immense  benefits  as  the  overall  cost  of
     was formed in 2016, in providing technology to
                                             providers, with contractors, to come up with the   power  and  water  will  cut  down,  apart  from  a
     achieve the goal of having greener projects.
                                             solutions and also talk to the government as to   better standard of living.
                                                                             SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER   CONSTRUCTION VISION   9
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