Page 6 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 6

               CHABAHAR PORT                   METRO RAIL PROJECT IN              LIKELY TO RECOVER BY 5%
            OPERATIONAL BY 2018                         MAURITIUS                 DURING Fy18

        The government is hopeful that the strategic   Larsen & Toubro has bagged an order worth   Country's cement demand growth is
        Chabahar Port will be operational by 2018,   Rs 3,375 crore to build a metro rail project   expected to recover to around 5 per cent
        Union minister Nitin Gadkari has said.  for the government of Mauritius, the   during FY18, driven by a pick-up in the
                                             engineering major said on Wednesday.   infrastructure and housing segments, a
        The Road, Transport, Highways and                                         report said.
        Shipping Minister Gadkari is in Tehran today   L&T has been upbeat on metro rail projects
                                             and is already executing projects in Riyadh
        to represent India at the oath taking                                     "We expects cement demand growth to
                                             and Doha, and 17 locations in India. On
        ceremony of President Hassan Rouhani.                                     recover to around 5 per cent during FY2018
                                             Wednesday, ET reported that the company is
                                                                                  as against a decline of 1.2 per cent in
                                             close to winning orders for two packages
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier                                  FY2017, driven by a pick-up in the
                                             worth a total of Rs 1,300 crore as a part of
        congratulated Rouhani on his re-election as                               infrastructure segment, mostly road and
                                             Mumbai Metro Line 4.
        the President of Iran and affirmed India's                                 irrigation projects and the housing segment,"
        commitment to strengthen the special   "This order is perfectly in sync with our   ICRA said in a report.
        relations between the countries.     strategy to expand L&T's railways business
                                             into markets beyond India and we are   "While in the short term, demonetisation has
                                             extremely happy to have found a foothold in   had a negative impact on real estate and
                                             the African continent," Rajeev Jyoti, the chief   construction activities and hence on the
                                             executive officer of the railways business at   cement off-take, the impact has started to
                                             L&T, was quoted as saying in a statement.   subside from Q1 FY2018 driven by a pick-up
                                                                                  in the infrastructure segment.
                                             The Mauritius project entails designing and
                                             building of an integrated light rail-based
                                                                                  "Further, the increased budgetary allocation
                                             urban transit system over a 26 km route
                                                                                  for the infrastructure sector, which includes
                                             connecting Curepipe to Immigration Square
                                                                                  roads, railways, metro, irrigation and
                                             in Port Louis. L&T would build 19 stations,
                                                                                  housing, during FY2018 will directly and
                                             including two elevated stations.
        "India and Iran have been historically sharing                            indirectly support cement demand," said
        special ties ... We are keen on developing
                                             L&T bagged the projects through competitive   ICRA Ratings senior vice president & group
        Chabahar Port and are hopeful of starting   bidding route. The project will be fully funded   head Sabyasachi Majumdar.
        operations in 12 to 18 months," Gadkari told   through an India government grant and line
        PTI.                                 of credit.                           The higher rural credit and increased
                                                                                  allocation for rural, agricultural and allied
        Gakdari is keen on expediting development   "Although the project is scheduled to be   sectors, including the demand for rural
        of the Chabahar port, located in the Sistan-  completed in 48 months, L&T commits to   housing, are significant contributors to the
                                             complete and deliver a priority section of 13
        Baluchistan province on the energy-rich                                   overall cement demand mix, added
                                             km in 24 months," the company said.
        Persian Gulf nation's southern coast that can                             Majumdar.
                                             Last week, L&T reported weaker-than-
        be easily accessed from India's west coast,
                                             expected financial results for the first quarter
        bypassing Pakistan.
                                             of 2017-18, but the management expressed   Cement prices have also recovered from

                                             optimism on the way ahead given a pickup in   February 2017 and reached pre-
        "Civil construction work has started there.   domestic order execution and new orders.   demonetisation levels in most markets by
        We have finalised tenders worth Rs 380                                     April 2017. While improvement in the supply-
        crore for equipment out of Rs 600 crore and   The company said it was positive about   demand scenario in FY2018 is expected to
        once the port becomes operational it will   growth in the medium term as economic   support the cement prices going forward,
        become a growth engine," the minister has   outlook is improving, and was confident of   sustenance of the same is critical, given
        said.                                achieving its target for the fiscal year.   the rising costs, ICRA said.

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