Page 5 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 5

Editor`s Note

                                                                                       vol 1, issue 3, Sep - Oct. 2017

         Dear Enlighten Readers,
                                                                                        Lokesh Kumar Kashyap
         We are committed to creating engaging and purpose                     
         driven content that connects with readers and move
         people to think, feel and act in new ways.

                                                                                          Associate Editor
                                                                                         Design & Graphics
         In this issue, we have covered the major construction
                                                                                             Amrit Kaur
         and infrastructural development happening in India, like              
         Underwater tunnel and Longest bridge - Dhola Sadiya
         bridge in India.
                                                                                  Editorial/Marketing/Circulation office

         We have also covered the Solar roads and its impact
                                                                                            707, Kirti Shikhar
         on due to clean energy.                                                             District Centre
                                                                                           New Delhi -110058
                                                                                        Ph: 011- 65515478/25505478
         Our readers will also find some new projects and                               email :
         trends, which are the need of the hour, specially Future               
         major projects shaping the future of rail in India and
         Construction industry senerio in India in 2050.

                                                                                       Printed, published and owned by
                                                                                          Lokesh Kumar Kashyap
                                                                                             and printed at
         We hope you enjoy reading this issue. We welcome                                   4K`s Publications
                                                                                           C-17, Ajay Enclave,
         your valuable suggestions/feedback and if you would                               Near Subhash Nagar,
         like to submit an article, please email to the editor at                          New Delhi -110018

                                                                                   We have taken due care and diligence that the
                                                                                   information published in the magazine is correct
                                                                                   but we hold no responsibility for any decision

                                                                                   taken by readers on the basis of information or
                                                                                   advertisements details provided in this issue.

                                                                           SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER   CONSTRUCTION VISION   3
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