Page 21 - Construction Vision Sep-Oct 2017 issue
P. 21
disadvantages of solar panel highways and see panels is likely more expensive than it would be This is why solar energy is considered to be
if the idea is truly feasible. for fixing ordinary, asphalt roads. The company only one type of renewable energy source
says it could utilize a type of self-cleaning glass rather than the sole source of power -- it's
Disadvantages of Solar Panel to keep the surface clear of dirt and grime, but difficult to rely on.
Roads : this process is yet unproven.
Panel consists of three basic layers:
the base plate layer, electronics layer
Sure, roads made of solar panels sounds like a
and the high-strength, translucent
great idea and one that could possibly get this
country truly running on solar power; however,
just how feasible is this plan?
For one, it would be quite costly. Each panel
costs about $7,000 to build, and the plan calls
for billions of them to cover the roadways
[source:]. Installation would
take huge amounts of time and money, and so
would training crews to maintain them properly.
Most likely, it would take several years before
the electricitygenerated by the panels would
recoup their own cost. For this reason, the
company suggests smaller-scale projects are
the best place to start.
Then there's the question of durability. Our
roads take lots of punishment from cars, trucks,
motorcycles and tractor trailers, not to mention Then there's the big problem with solar energy: Despite these drawbacks, there's no doubt that
the fact that they could be damaged in traffic cloudy days. solar power technology is very solar panel highways are a unique and
accidents. How would these glass panels hold inefficient -- in fact, most solar panels only groundbreaking idea. It's the kind of thinking we
up against that kind of punishment? And if we convert about 14 percent of available energy need to do in order to get ourselves off of our
depend on the solar cells for traffic signals and into electricity [source: Northwestern fossil fuel addiction and running on a more eco-
power for electric cars, what happens if the University]. And on days when sunlight isn't friendly power source. So in a few years, you
sunlight collectors become damaged? readily available, like during the long winters in just may find yourself driving on glass solar
many parts of the country, you have to wonder panels instead of asphalt.
In addition, the cost of repairing these solar
where the power would come from.