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LARM Board Members:
Beth Bonderson has been the
Clerk for the Village of Hoskins
for 10 years.
LARM Life is a publica on
of the League Associa on of
Risk Management (LARM)
Michael Nolan Lane Danielzuk has served as
Execu ve Director the City of Gering Administrator
since 2008 and has worked in
1919 S. 40th St. Suite 212 city government for almost
Lincoln NE 68506 30 years.
Please direct all ques ons,
story sugges ons and
subscrip on queries to
Diane Becker at David Hunter has been
General Manager of the Auburn
(402) 314-6827 Board of Public Works in Auburn for 13 years.
LARM Staff:
Tracy Juranek, Customer Service
Specialist 402-742-2604
Elizabeth Becker, Execu ve Administra ve Shannon Stuchlik has been with
Assistant/Customer Service 402-742-2601 the Northeast Nebraska
Economic Development District
Paige Buffington, Workers Compensa on since 2012.
Claims Specialilaims Specialist 402-419-3548
Dave Bos, Loss Control Manager
Fred Wiebelhaus, Field Adjuster
Supervisor/Loss control Assistant
402-440-9129 Andrew has been a member of
Randy Peters, Auto Field Adjuster/ the Valen ne City Council for
Loss Cooss Control Assistant 402-310-5356
L six years.
Diane Becker, Communica ons Director
Cover photo was taken from the summit of the Sco s Bluff Monument of the 2018 Oregon Trail
Days celebra on in Gering, Nebraska.