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                  The changing weather patterns in Nebraska

          Kim Roberts, a meteorologist with Guy                         “It’s important knowing the relationship
          Carpenter and Company, has the job of                         between a warmer climate and weather
          studying what may be one of the more                          because warmer weather means more
          important issues of our time. Roberts is                      moisture is available. With the average
          tracking changing trends in the global                        temperature rising even one degree Celsius
          climate and how it may affect local weather.                   you're talking a lot of extra water vapor in
          Guy Carpenter and Company represents LARM                     the atmosphere which results in instability
                                                                        in our n our weather,” Roberts said.
          as a s a reinsurance intermediary to help                     i
          mitigate risk by securing additional  nancial                 Roberts said that most of the Arctic Ocean
          protection from the global commercial                         became completely wide open in 2017. Since
          insurance market.                                             the area is no longer ice covered, the dark
          “The more we can learn about weather the                      ocean with only minimal ice thickness
          better we can manage exposures to the                         absorbs a lot of energy from the sun which
          different types of catastrophic                                raises the temperature in that area of the
          weather-related perils. If we’re on track to                  earth.
          have more hurricanes or other severe weather

          “We’re in for some volatile weather in the near future.” meteorologist Kim Roberts.

           Flood waters on U.S. Highway 81 south

          of Platte Center, Nebraska in May, 2019
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