Page 7 - test2
P. 7
The changing weather patterns in Nebraska
the risks are covered adequately,” Roberts “With less air temperature difference You either are stuck in an area of high
said recently from her office in Colorado. between the Arctic Ocean and the pressure where it's very warm and very dry
She has been particularly interested in the Equator, there isn’t the same potential and there’s a threat of wild re or you're stuck
recent rising of world temperatures. for strong winds of jet stream. Extremely in this pattern where it's very stormy and it
“ cold air from Canada clashes with warm, persists longer causing ooding,” Roberts
very moisture rich air from the Gulf of said. According to Roberts, in Nebraska this
Mexico very far north into the northern translates to increased losses from hail or
laatitude of North America which is likely exxtreme ooding with a longer hail season
to cause volatile, thunderstorm activities and larger hail sizes as storms increase in size
and is apt to stay in place longer,” and intensity.
Roberts said. “As meteorologists we look at what is
Roberts added that, in the past, after two happening as far as increased occurrence of
Roberts said that most of the Arctic Ocean days a weather system would progress to hurricanes and tornadoes, associate that with
became completely wide open in 2017. Since the east. what our computer models show for changes
the area is no longer ice covered, the dark “What we're seeing recently is that you in temperature, wind velocity and
ocean with only minimal ice thickness may get three to four consecutive days precipitation, and make a pretty good
absorbs a lot of energy from the sun which where there's a threat for severe weather assumption that we’re in for some volatile
weeather in the near future,” Roberts said.
raises the temperature in that area of the or three to four days of extreme rainfall. w
“We’re in for some volatile weather in the near future.” meteorologist Kim Roberts.