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                             Meet LARM Board Member

                                           Beth Bonderson

          Beth Bonderson has been the Village Clerk in Hoskins      A new community center on Main Street is also the
          for over 10 years and also serves as a LARM Board         site of numerous events through the year.
          member.  During that time she has learned lots about      Hoskins hosts  an annual Fourth of July Parade and
          municipal government and risk management.                 Pancake Feed, fall and spring craft shows and sees a
          “Hoskins is like any town in Nebraska with events,        lot of visitors coming to town weekly for taco nights
          parks and infrastructure that need protection,”           and then wings night at a local tavern.
          Bonderson said.                                           A As a LARM Board member Bonderson knows about
          T The 2016 population of Hoskins was 290 and the          risks and challenges of a small town.
          average age of residents was about 50. The Village        “ “There’s always a risk of hail damage  or being hit by a
                                                                    passing tornado. We’re thankful to have LARM as an
          maintains a baseball/softball  eld, two parks and even    important partner and I’m glad to be  part of the
          a small horse arena. The horse arena stays busy in the    Board. I  always encourage area communities to look
          summer with riding practice weekly of one of the          at LARM and what it can do for them. ” Bonderson
          largest 4-H Clubs in Wayne County.                        said.
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