Page 3 - NTS Canna Harbour 8pg A4 brochure.indd
P. 3
Mooring & Anchoring
The Isle of Canna Community Development Trust has installed 10 moorings for use by the yachting community. They are inspected annually and the Harbourmaster has a copy of the inspection certificate.
Payment should be made in the Community shop beside Café Canna either in cash or by PayPal.
Please feel free to use the safe anchorage. Avoid the outer reaches, as this may interfere with the ferry or other larger vessels.
A bathymetric chart of the harbour (2019) is available from the Harbourmaster.
There should be no anchoring within 100 metres of the pier.
Please also be aware that there is a substantial amount of kelp in the bay which may hamper the holding and recovery of anchors.