Page 31 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 31
Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers 6 Configuration
If 'New Configuration' or 'Open Configuration' is selected and the modified configuration file is saved, new data files for all log files are created and any unarchived data is lost
Existing security configuration parameters are retained when a configuration is opened from file or when a new configuration is loaded (the security remains as currently configured). Check 'Load security configuration from file' to overwrite the current configuration with data from the file to be loaded.
The option to load or retain the security configuration applies only to Advanced Security mode and is available only to the System Administrator (User 1 – see page 31). If a new or existing configuration file is opened by a user other than the System Administrator, existing security settings are retained.
Exiting Configuration Level
When exiting Configuration Level, the following conditions apply:
The current, active configuration is saved to internal storage.
Selecting 'Save as Current Configuration' suspends recording for a short time while the new configuration is implemented.
When saving the current configuration to internal storage, the file is saved automatically with a '<time><date><instrument tag>.cfg' filename.
When saving the current configuration to external storage, the file is saved automatically to internal storage, as well as to the external archive media as '<time><date><instrument tag>.cfg'.
When 'Save Configuration' is selected, the configuration file is stored as '<time><date><instrument tag>.cfg' on internal or external storage.
Changes are saved to non-volatile memory only when one of the save options above has been selected. Any powerdown before this results in lost configuration changes.
Selecting 'Cancel' discards unsaved changes and returns the analyzer to the 'Operate' level.
New internal data files for enabled recording channels are created if any of the following configuration parameters are
– Recording channel source
– Channel tag
A warning is displayed if a configuration change results in the creation of new internal data files for enabled recording channels. Select 'Yes' to accept the configuration change. Select 'No' to cancel the configuration change.
OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J 27