Page 32 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 32

Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers
6.1 Common
There are nine tabs in the Common screen:
6.1.1 Setup
6 Configuration
Lists the available languages.
A new language selection does not take effect until the configuration is saved.
Instrument Tag
The analyzer’s instrument tag text is displayed in the top-left corner of the operator views. Up to 20 characters can be used.
The instrument tag is also displayed on the analyzer on configuration files and audit log files.
Main View Timer
The time after no key presses the display reverts to the main operator screen (excludes 'Configuration' screens).
       6.1.2 Screen
Screen saver wait time
The time delay for the screen-saver. The screen dims after the time set.
Screen Capture
Toggles between 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'.
Note. An SD card must be fitted for screen capture.
If enabled, press to capture the current log or chart screen to the VRD\BMP folder on the SD card. A confirmation dialog box is displayed for each screen capture.
Adjusts the brightness of the screen.
OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J

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