Page 100 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 100
Field mountable paperless recorder 7 Configuration
Enter the tag name to be displayed in the Chart and Indicator Views and used to identify the channel in archive files (20 characters max.).
Note. Tags with a high percentage of capital letters and wide characters such as 'W' or 'M' may appear truncated in some Operator views. In such cases, use lower case letters or fewer characters.
Set the time period over which the process variable is to be filtered prior to being sampled (0 to 60 seconds).
Set a tolerance level (between 0 and 100% of the engineering range) to allow for deviation of the input signal above or below the input span before an input failure is detected.
Example – setting the fault detection level to 10% on an input range of 50 to 250 bar causes an 'Analog Input Failure' fault to be detected below 30 bar and above 270 bar.
In the event of an input failure, recorder channels can be set to drive upscale, downscale or in the direction of failure.
Upscale – channel value driven beyond full scale. None – driven in direction of failure. Downscale – channel value driven below zero.
If this parameter is changed, internally recorded data files are recreated and unarchived data is lost. IM/SM500F Rev. AA