Page 97 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 97

Field mountable paperless recorder 7 Configuration
Select the type of scale displayed in the Chart view and the format of the current value readings displayed in both Chart and Indicator views.
    Linear –
Log –
normal linear scale displayed in the Chart view; normal current value readings displayed in both Chart and Indicator views.
logarithmic scale displayed in the Chart view; current value readings displayed in exponential format. For example, 2.4E+4 (2.4 x 10+4) is displayed in both Chart and Indicator views.
 For further information on the use of this feature, refer to Appendix E.4, page 172.
 The following parameters are displayed only if this parameter is set to 'Log'.
Select the lower limit of the log decade range to be displayed on the Chart view scale – refer to Appendix E.4, page 172.
Select the upper limit of the log decade range to be displayed on the Chart view scale – refer to Appendix E.4, page 172.
     IM/SM500F Rev. AA

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