Page 97 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 97
Field mountable paperless recorder 7 Configuration
Select the type of scale displayed in the Chart view and the format of the current value readings displayed in both Chart and Indicator views.
Linear –
Log –
normal linear scale displayed in the Chart view; normal current value readings displayed in both Chart and Indicator views.
logarithmic scale displayed in the Chart view; current value readings displayed in exponential format. For example, 2.4E+4 (2.4 x 10+4) is displayed in both Chart and Indicator views.
For further information on the use of this feature, refer to Appendix E.4, page 172.
The following parameters are displayed only if this parameter is set to 'Log'.
Select the lower limit of the log decade range to be displayed on the Chart view scale – refer to Appendix E.4, page 172.
Select the upper limit of the log decade range to be displayed on the Chart view scale – refer to Appendix E.4, page 172.
IM/SM500F Rev. AA