Page 4 - Ulpan-Or e-Tone 02-09-16, Low-Intermediate Level
P. 4

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #1 (Low-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

         Talking Dictionary – ‫אוֹ ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English            ‫ עברית‬English                                     ‫עברית‬
to approve                                                      ‫ נׁש ֹות ַּה ֹכ ֶתל‬1
approves (f. sg.)  )‫ל ַּא ֵּׁשר ( ִפ ֵּׁעל‬  6 Women of the
                       ‫מ ַּא ֶש ֶרת‬            Wall
                           ‫ר ָח ָבה‬         7 to try            )‫ל ַּנּס ֹות ( ִפ ֵּׁעל‬  2
special            ‫ מיֻ ֶח ֶדת‬,‫מיֻ ָחד‬         trying (f. pl.)       ‫מ ַּנּס ֹות‬         3
to give                                                                                  4
gives (f. sg.)                              8 to get            )‫ל ַּק ֵּׁבל ( ִפ ֵּׁעל‬  5
to preserve                                                         ‫ל ִהת ַּפ ֵּׁלל‬
                   )‫ָל ֵּׁתת ( ָפ ַּעל‬      9 to pray              )‫( ִהת ַּפ ֵּׁעל‬
                       ‫נ ֹו ֶת ֶנת‬                                  ‫ֶממׁ ָש ָלה‬

                   )‫ ִלׁש ֹמר ַּעל ( ָפ ַּעל‬10 government

                                 Page 4 - Edition 02-09-16

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