Page 23 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 03-08-16, Low-Intermediate Level
P. 23

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                 One-page format to print (Low-Intermediate Level)

Item 1                         ‫ְס ָע ָרה ַּב ְכ ֶנ ֶסת‬

                   Talking Dictionary – ‫אוֹ ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

to leave                )‫ַּל ֲע ֹזב ( ָפ ַּעל‬    6 Knesset                   ‫ ְכ ֶנ ֶסת‬1
to vote                ‫ְל ַּה ְצ ִּבי ַּע ַּעל‬   7 in turmoil        ‫ ס ֹו ֶע ֶרת‬,‫ ס ֹו ֵער‬2
to threaten
threaten (m. pl.)          )‫( ִּה ְפ ִּעיל‬       8 bill, law                  ‫ֹחק‬           3
                       )‫ְל ַּא ֵים ( ִּפ ֵעל‬        suspension bill  ‫ֹחק ַּה ַּה ְש ָע ָיה‬
to meet
                          ‫ְמ ַּא ְי ִּמים‬        9 to pass           )‫ַּל ֲע ֹבר ( ָפ ַּעל‬  4
terrorist(s)                                        passes (m. sg.)        ‫ע ֹו ֵבר‬
                        ‫ְל ִּה ָפ ֵגש ִּעם‬
                             )‫( ִּנ ְפ ַּעל‬     10 committee         ‫ ַּו ֲע ָדה‬5

                   ‫ ְמ ַּח ְב ִּלים‬,‫ְמ ַּח ֵבל‬

‫ ַּה ֹחק א ֹו ֵמר ֶש ִּאם ֵיש ִּת ְש ִּעים‬.‫ַּה ְכ ֶנ ֶסת סוֹ ֶע ֶרת ַּה ָשבּו ַּע ְכ ֶש" ֹחק ַה ַה ְש ָע ָיה" עוֹ ֵבר ְב ַו ֲע ָדה ֶשל ַּה ְכ ֶנ ֶסת‬
‫ ַּה ְר ֵבה ֲא ָנ ִּשים‬.‫ ֵהם ְיכ ֹו ִּלים ְל ַה ְצ ִבי ַע ַעל ָכְך‬,‫ַּח ְב ֵרי ְכ ֶנ ֶסת ֶשח ֹו ְש ִּבים ֶש ֲח ֵבר ְכ ֶנ ֶסת ַא ֵחר ָצ ִּריְך ַל ֲע ֹזב‬
‫ ֹראש ַּה ֶמ ְמ ָש ָלה‬.‫ ְו ַּח ְב ֵרי ַּה ְכ ֶנ ֶסת ָה ַּע ְר ִּבים ְמ ַא ְי ִמים ַּל ֲע ֹזב‬,‫ָבא ֹופ ֹו ִּזי ְצ ָיה ּו ַּבּק ֹוָא ִּלי ְצ ָיה כ ֹו ֲע ִּסים ַּעל ַּה ֹחק‬
,‫ ִּכי ֵיש ַּח ְב ֵרי ְכ ֶנ ֶסת ַּע ְר ִּבים ֶשה ֹו ְל ִּכים ְל ִה ָפ ֵגש ִעם ִּמ ְש ָפח ֹות ֶשל ְמ ַח ְב ִלים‬,‫ח ֹו ֵשב ֶש ָצ ִּריְך ֶאת ַּה ֹחק‬

                                                        .‫ְוהּוא ח ֹו ֵשב ֶש ֵהם ֹלא ְצ ִּרי ִּכים ְל ִּה ָש ֵאר ַּב ְכ ֶנ ֶסת‬

Courtesy of:

                     A Storm at the Knesset

The Knesset is in turmoil this week when the "suspension bill" passes at a Knesset's committee. The
bill says that if there are ninety Knesset Members who think that another Knesset Member should
leave, they can vote on it. A lot of people in the opposition and in the coalition are angry about the
bill, and the Arab Knesset Members threaten to leave. The Prime Minister thinks that (we) need the
bill because there are Arab Knesset Members who go to meet with families of terrorists, and he
thinks that they shouldn't stay in the Knesset.

                                 Page 23 - Edition 03-08-16

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