Page 11 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 01-12-16, Advanced Level
P. 11

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                           Item #2 (Advanced Level)

                         Obama’s Reform

Obama shed more than one tear tonight, when he talked about the children
who lose their lives as a result of gun use in America. He himself said
many times that this is the biggest failure of his eight year presidency.
Weapons are multiplying, but background checks for buyers are superficial
and ineffective. And still, this event tonight at the White House, is a last
big attempt to change reality. Up until today, weapon sellers on the
internet or fairs didn’t need a special license, just gun shop owners. This
will change from now on, and everyone needs a license, and the buyers,
will have to bring from now on a proof of eligibility from a public or
government institution, or a place of employment. Now come the
Republicans, their claim is twofold: first, the second amendment of the
constitution upholds the right to bear arms; and secondly, the claim that if
everyone had a weapon, terrorists and shooters would be immediately
eliminated. Meanwhile in stores, a panic for guns, fearing that soon it
won’t be possible to buy guns.

                                 Page 11 - Edition 01-12-16

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