Page 6 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 01-12-16, Advanced Level
P. 6
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #1 (Advanced Level)
Terror in Tel Aviv
Back to the terror site and the course the terrorist made. Noon Friday,
Nashat Milhem arrives at Frishman St. in the city. He walks and turns to
Dizengoff due north, and enters the Anise nature store. There, he pulls his
weapon out of the backpack and goes out to the street. He then starts to
shoot at the (people) sitting at the Simta bar next door. Alon Bakal and
Shimon Roimi, may they rest in peace, are killed from the shooting. The
terrorist continues by running north, and keeps firing. By miracle, there
were no casualties. Milhem escapes while shooting. On Gordon St. he
turns right towards Ibn Gabirol; there, he gets on driver Amin Sha’aban
from Lod’s taxi, and goes north. As time passes, the pressure on the
terrorist’s family members is increasing. At the Ichilov hospital in Tel
Aviv, three (people) injured from Friday’s attack are still hospitalized. The
high alert will be maintained until the terrorist is caught, alive or dead. In
the meantime, daily life in the city, especially in its north, will continue to
be disrupted.
Page 6 - Edition 01-12-16
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