Page 40 - Ulpan-Or: Verbs-Present Unit 2-Pa'al1 111115
P. 40
40 CD2
Binyan Pa’al, Group 1 - Present Tense Track 14
Moving from the Infinitive Form into Present Tense
Until now we have studied the different infinitive forms of six verb
subgroups in Binyan Pa'al. Remember, although in the past tense* all of
these verbs have the same music ..A..A.., the main difference between
the various subgroups is in the sound patterns of their infinitive forms.
* Note: The ..A.. A.. sound refers to: PA'AL - Past tense, singular,
masculine, 3rd person.
When moving into the present tense, all six groups regain the same
characteristic sound ..O..E.. (singular, masculine) thus making all of
them similar again.
Hear how similar the ..O..E.. sounds of the following verbs are in the
present tense, in spite of the tremendous differences in how they sound in
the infinitive form:
Infinitive Subgroup 1 Subgroup 2 Subgroup 3 Subgroup 4 Subgroup 5 Subgroup 6
Present ללמֹוד ל ֲעבֹוד ללכת לדעת לשמֹוע ל ֱאכֹול
אֹו ֵכל
(masc.) לֹו ֵמד עֹו ֵבד הֹו ֵלְך יֹו ֵדע שֹו ֵמע
All we need to remember is that verbs with the characteristic sound pattern
..O..E.. in the present tense belong to Pa'al – Group 1.
Now we will show several charts with verbs from various sub-groups in the
present tense.
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