Page 16 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 04-05-16, Advanced level
P. 16

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                           Item #3 (Advanced Level)

                  The Israeli Wonder Woman

The battle of the giants is finally on its way. After a worldwide marketing
campaign and lots of secrecy surrounding the most talked-about movie of
the year, Batman and Superman return to cinemas together, and there’s
room for a guest. Gal Gadot was able, in a short amount of time, to
become from an Israeli celebrity to a worldwide star. Those in the world
who will watch her here, as Wonder Woman, and still wouldn’t know who
she is, will look her up on Google, and the interest in her is huge in
general. The USA Today said she won the movie’s premiere, that she
conquers the screen. Gal Gadot took (her) family to the movie’s trans-
continental marketing campaign, she managed to be interviewed by
countless channels, among them to the popular shows of Ellen Degenres
and Jimmy Kimmel. Yes, obviously this isn’t Gal Gadot’s celebration on
her own; the lead stars of the show are batman, played by Ben Affleck, and
Superman, played by Henry Cavill. They’re allegedly fighting each other
after Batman reached the conclusion that Superman is a selfish type who
threatens the world. Gal Gadot will soon return to Israel, to the slightly
less exciting life in Tel Aviv, and all this of course was just the starter,
when in the not too distant future a complete Wonder Woman movie will
come out, in Which Gal Gadot will no longer steal the show from anyone,
the show will be all hers.

                                 Page 16 - Edition 04-05-16

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