Page 6 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 04-05-16, Advanced level
P. 6
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #1 (Advanced Level)
What About the Gas?
“There will be (natural) gas in Israel.” According to the Supreme Court
Justices’ decision today, this declaration by the Prime Minister was (made)
too soon. With a majority the Justices accepted the petitions against the
(gas) outline, rejected the stability clause, and decided that the outline will
be cancelled in one year, unless critical changes are made in it. The
Justices decided not to force the government to pass the whole outline by
legislation. The headache moves from Netanyahu to the gas companies’
heads, who will have to decide whether they’re passing on the stability
clause and agree to the outline without it, or lose the entire settlement.
Shortly after the ruling the assault on the Supreme Court began. Minister
Steinitz issued a statement in which he called the decision ‘miserable’, the
repercussions of which on energetic security and the economy are grim.
Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked said about the decision, that rejecting
the stability clause constitutes a blatant and unnecessary intervention with
the government’s decision, and harms Israel’s economy severely. The
dramatic decision today now opens a year-long race, in which the Prime
Minister will have to solve the puzzle the Supreme Court Justices placed
before him.
Page 6 - Edition 04-05-16
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