Page 9 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 03-29-16, Low-Intermediate level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #2 (Low Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

         Talking Dictionary – ‫אוֹ ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English                  ‫עברית‬                   English                   ‫עברית‬                 1
                  )‫ְל ִה ָז ֵּהר ( ִנ ְפ ַעל‬     to get used to
to be careful                                 6 getting used to        ‫ְל ִה ְת ַר ֵּגל ְל‬       2
                                                 (m. pl.)                )‫( ִה ְת ַפ ֵּעל‬        3
resident(s)                                                             ‫ִמ ְת ַר ְג ִלים‬         4
(period of) time  ‫ ת ֹוׁ ָש ִבים‬,‫ ת ֹוׁ ָשב‬7 to inspect
testing times                                                           ‫ִל ְב ֹדק ֶאת‬
to think                ‫ְתקּו ָפה‬             8 to get into                 )‫( ָפ ַעל‬
to deal           ‫ְתקּו ַפת ִמ ְב ָחן‬            get into (m. pl.)
deal (m. pl.)                                                       )‫ְל ִהּ ָכ ֵּנס ( ִנ ְפ ַעל‬
                  )‫ ַל ְחׁ ֹשב ( ָפ ַעל‬9 terror attack                    ‫ִנ ְכ ָנ ִסים‬

                                                                             ‫ִפגּו ַע‬

                  ‫ְל ִה ְתמ ֹו ֵּדד ִעם‬       10 to find            )‫ִל ְמ ֹצא ( ָפ ַעל‬          5
                       )‫( ִה ְת ַפ ֵּעל‬       find (m. pl.)            ‫מ ֹו ְצ ִאים‬

                  ‫ִמ ְתמ ֹו ְד ִדים‬

                                 Page 9 - Edition 03-29-16

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