Page 7 - Ulpan-Or: Workbook-Dialogues, Unit 4-5 121017-V237-NPW
P. 7

Dialogues – Unit 4

‫ המחזת הדיאלוג‬:‫פעילות מסכמת בכיתה‬

Exercise 7: In pairs, translate 8-10 lines from the dialogue into Hebrew row by
row, each translating his or her part. Translate the whole dialogue if you are up
for the challenge. Then act out the dialogue in front of your classmates.

1 Congratulations, bro! Great apartment!                                                                        :‫דניאל‬
2 Yeah, really a great apartment. Thanks,
     Danny.                                                                                                        :‫בני‬

3 Ok, so we’re going to celebrate?                                                                              :‫דניאל‬
4 To celebrate what?
5 Your new apartment, idiot.                                                                                       :‫בני‬

6 Yeah, I really am an idiot. Let’s go and                                                                      :‫דניאל‬

     celebrate. Want to eat?                                                                                       :‫בני‬
7 I always want to eat.

     There’s a restaurant on King George St. – “

8 Pinati” Restaurant. There’s humus and

     excellent Middle-Eastern food there.

9 Cool. We’ll go to “Pinati”. But Benny – It’s

     my treat!

11 But…

11 No buts. This is your day, and I want to

     treat [invite] (you).

12 At the Restaurant

13 Hello. Would you like a menu?                                                                                :‫מלצרית‬
14 Yes, thank you.
15 Here you go, here’s the menu. Would you                                                                        :‫דניאל‬

     like to order?                                                                                             :‫מלצרית‬

16 Yeah, which humus do you have [is there]?                                                                      :‫דניאל‬
     There’s humus and fava beans, humus with
17 meat, humus with tehina, humus without                                                                       :‫מלצרית‬

     anything… the humus and fava beans and                                                                       :‫דניאל‬
     humus with meat are very good.

18 Cool. Which salads do you have [are


19 Vegetable salad, tehina, eggplants and


21 What’s matbuha?

21 It’s a spicy and tasty tomato salad.

22 Cool. I like spicy. We also want matbuha.

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