Page 17 - IL-Unit-1-RD-030816-V24931-080716
P. 17


         Intermediate-Low, Unit 1

Act Out

Act out from English.

 :? דניאל?Excuse me…
 :? שירה?Yes?
 :? דניאל?Do you maybe know where there’s a service taxi to Jerusalem?
 :? שירה?Yeah, sure! You walk down, and then left, and then right, and then…
 :? דניאל?One minute, take it easy!
 :? שירה?I’m sorry, am I speaking quickly?
 :? דניאל?Yes, but it's OK. All Israelis speak quickly.
 :? שירה?I’m sorry. I should speak slowly. The taxies for Jerusalem are… One minute,

           I need a service taxi for Jerusalem too. Maybe you’d like to walk with me?
 :? דניאל?Yes, thank you!
 :? שירה?Cool, come on.
 :? דניאל?Do you live in Jerusalem?
 :? שירה?No, I live close to Jerusalem, in Mevaseret. And do you live in Jerusalem?
 :? דניאל?As of today yes.
 :? שירה?As of today? And until today?
 :? דניאל?Until today in New York, and as of today in Jerusalem.
 :? שירה?Oh. You’re a new immigrant?
 :? דניאל?Yes.
 :? שירה?One minute, and where’s all your family? What, you’re making aliyah on

           your own?
 :? דניאל?Yes, I’m making aliyah on my own. My parents and brothers don’t want to

           make aliyah. They want to stay in New York.
 :? שירה?Really? And why are you making aliyah to Israel?
 :? דניאל?Oh boy, here it comes…
 :? שירה?What?
 :? דניאל?The Question. The million dollar question – Why are you making aliyah?

           Everybody asks why.
 :? שירה?I’m sorry… I just… I…
 :? דניאל?It’s fine! It’s an excellent question. You know what? I’ll tell you why I’m

           making aliyah, and you tell me what your name is.
 :? שירה?Oh, I’m sorry! My name is Shira.
 :? דניאל?And I’m Daniel. Nice to meet you.
 :? שירה?Nice to meet you. Daniel, here’s our taxi!
 :? דניאל?Come quickly!

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                           .? העתקה והפצה אסורים?,? כל שימוש?.?אור?-?כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן?
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