Page 22 - IL-Unit-1-RD-030816-V24931-080716
P. 22
3. 22
Intermediate-Low, Unit 1
Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list
to ask )ִּל ְשאֹול (פעל
don't ask (f. sg.) ַאל ִּת ְש ֲא ִּלי
happiness אֹו ֶשר
to come, will come (m. sg.) ֵי ֵרד,ָל ֶר ֶדת
to come down, will come )ְל ִּה ְת ַחּ ֵבק (התפעל
down (m. sg.) ִּנ ְת ַחּ ֵבק
to hug each other )ְל ַב ֵקש (פיעל
we’ll hug each other ְת ַב ְק ִּשי
to ask (someone) for )ַל ֲע ֹצר (פעל
will ask (f. sg.) עֹו ֵצר
to stop )ְל ִּהי ָש ֵאר (נפעל
stop (m. sg.) ִּנ ְש ַאר
to stay
stay (m. sg.)
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