Page 16 - ICurriculum-IM-Uni1-RD-14-06-16-V24101
P. 16

16      Unit 1
IM-Unit 1  Track 2

Act out from English.

1 I am the eldest sister in the family and I am fifteen years old.
2 I have (I've had) Facebook for a year and suddenly two months ago my father

      sent me a friendship confirmation request on Facebook.
3 At first, I didn't know what to do - whether to confirm him or not.
4 On one hand, I write what I feel on Facebook and sometimes I don't want my

      father to know.
5 On the other hand, I don’t want him to think that I am hiding things from

6 Eventually, I confirmed him.

      It was a mistake!
7 Now he's always writing me long things on (my) wall, which not all of my

      friends need to know.
8 It embarrasses me.
9 For example, he wrote me yesterday that he's angry with me because I talked

      on the phone too long and it costs a lot of money.
10 He doesn't understand that everyone can read what he writes.
11 I told him I will delete him and he was insulted and said that I want to delete

      him because I have something to hide from him.
12 That's really not true – I have nothing to hide from him, but I feel that he

      doesn't need to follow me all the time.
13 He needs to trust me; I'm already a mature girl. What should (I) do?!

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